Celebrities are human beings too..

in #success7 years ago


Right inside the private section of the office, she was sobbing with her head bowed and cleaning her eyes and nose with her white handkerchief.

I shouldn't have had access to that side but thanks to my host, whom I was there to do something for, I had that privilege.

I stared at her from my seat. I felt like walking up to her to offer my inspirational words but then I decided it wasn't the best of decisions.

She looked a mile different from her TV self. When she is on screen, on her Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, millions of fans all over.

People love and worship her and she dresses all glorious all the time in the most expensive wears possible.

But at that moment I wasn't seeing any of that. I was looking at a regular human with ups and downs following her.

Her assistant or manager, I'm not sure which, kept on trying to talk her into calming down.

I overheard some of her words and could make out the rest of the story on my own as to why she was crying.
I felt for her but all I could do was watch in total silence.

Some 20 mins later, the man in charge of the place walked in to tell her that it was time.

I don't know what it was time for but I saw her wipe her face and and opened her purse and brought out some of her make up kits and began to apply them all over again. They were ruined by the tears.
Done, she stood up and walked towards the door.

I did too but maintained my distance.

Just before her assistant/manager opened the door, her face did a 180. The sadness vanished. Her eyes brightened. The smile reappeared. Her previously bowed head now upright.

Door opened and she walked out. I peered through the window and saw some camera guys snapping away.

She knew they were there. She had to look good for the camera. She had no intention of gracing tabloids and blogs with her teary eyes obviously.

She was going to pretend like all is well no matter what.

Life of a Celebrity.

I went back to what I came for and finished up my Stout before heading home.