A true mentor always guide you in a right path, but every one is not so lucky to have a true guider.
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A true mentor always guide you in a right path, but every one is not so lucky to have a true guider.
For sure. Having direction is one of the most important things. Making progress won't help you if the progress is in the wrong direction.
The point that introvert-dime was trying to make is that there isn't a mentor-tree where everyone can pick one. Only a subset of entrepreneur-minded people gets to have a mentor.
Absolutely right
good post greetings from Venezuela
Thanks for the article, my own feeling about mentors is two-fold. I was one of the proteges of a corporate mentoring program during my teenage years. The program was sponsored by the national foundation for teaching entrepreneurship (NFTE) & the textbook publishers Macmillan McGraw Hill.
The marketing class they taught was quite poor as they only taught us basically ONE marketing method (Business Cards). So once we gave the business cards they had printed for us to everyone we knew....we just ran out of new leads for sales!There is saying that EVERY business needs at least SEVEN marketing methods to be truly sustainable.
But on the positive side, I learned many of the graphic design principles from one of the designers (Joe) that was part of the program. I still use these design principles even today.
So for me, a mentor with the wrong inforormation can be a disaster, it is not just the value of a mentor but a mentor with the RIGHT information to share.
Hola. He logrado los proyectos y actualmente es que, llego a tener un mentor. La sigo por su experiencia y una lectora critica, es decir, aplica el pensamiento critico. Dentro de la Educación que es mi sitio, es difícil tener un mentor. Cada Docente aprende a desafiar la autonomía de la enseñanza. No nos dejamos guiar, creemos que por el titulo hay la autoridad para educar y eso es una gran mentira. Se necesitan mentores.
Hay un ejercicio de proyecto de vida que se aplica para que el adolescente busque sus lideres o mentores que lo guiaron o guian. Es insoluto, pero eso lo dejan en blanco. saludos
¿Por qué cambiaste a español de repente? Si vas a hablarle a alguien que habla inglés, háblale en inglés, ¿no? Aunque sea con Google Translate. No tienes que andar obligando a la gente a tratar de descifrarte.
@CryptoSharon Thanks for your comment, I had the same thought. I used google translate to translate the replies in Spanish.
In Person, people often assume that I am Latino. But like President Obama, I am Black & White (Irish Mom). None of my Ancestry is Latino at all.
In real Life when People launch into Spanish when speaking to me. I just repeatedly reply Que? with a quizzical look, I keep repeating it with each Spanish reply I respond with Que? Until the realize that I am not Latino OR they just think I am mental! LOL ;)
Poor people! I could fall for that and would remember it for a while as one of the strangest moments in my life. You certainly look kinda Mexican, though :P You can also add "¿Cómo?", but that one is harder to pronounce.
Es muy lógico lo que dices, y para agregar algo a tu útil información podría decir que hay cosas que uno como individuo aprenderá por si mismo porque un mentor puede saber muchas cosas, pero nunca lo sabrá todo pues cada día habrá alguien que encontrar algo nuevo y que quizás ese mentor no lo sepa por eso creo que es muy importante aparte de un buen mentor tratar de aprender nuevos temas he innovar de forma propia.
Yes, it's not as easy to find a real mentor!
I can only say that I found my mentor deep in myself. It is me as a child. Thanks for your write.

My thoughts exactly!
i agree with you.
yes i absolutely agree with you
me too
Yh it was true
Hey im introvert too
This is true!
هلا والله بالجميع
This is true!
My thoughts exactly!
My thoughts exactly!
next your post
true comes your way for that, but nothing happens without a reason you may not know, the truth is there is no true guider until you make one.
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