
Its quite interesting.. Have learned something from it. Kudos man

I'm glad to be able to share some knowledge :D Thanks for reading my post!

Yep - have to keep grinding. I have grinded out content 6 days a week on steemit for over a year to reach dolphin status.

6 posts a week for a whole year! That's a lot of work, you deserve all the success you currently have :)
Like I said on my post, my dream is to become successful on this platform and I'm ready to grind just like you did to get to where you are :D

Thanks for taking your time to read my post, really appreciate it!

This post has received gratitude of 1.22 % from @appreciator thanks to: @inspirationalrag.

I love this post!
Many people don't understand the power of hustling. It can make a MASSIVE DIFFERENCE. and I love that you included Gary Vee quotes. I love that guy.

Everyone has dreams and things they would love to achieve. However, so many people just stop there and don’t really take action. Working hard and hustling is what will propel you to the next level. Hustling is what will help you look back at your life when you're older and make you tell yourself “I made it”.

Thanks so much for resteeming and upvoting my post, you have no clue how much this means to me :)

Very true! Whatever your dream is, you have to struggle in order to accomplish your objectives, nothing comes ever easy in life and I must say that the harder your dream is, the better you feel when you fulfill it.

Absolutely true, you have to love the process of chasing success and once you actually achieve what you want, the feeling will be incredible.

Hustling is hard, that's why most people won't achive their dreams, I won't lie I think I spend most of my time on time-wasting activites and take the easy way out.

But I hope... I'll try to make my time more productive!!

I think this post would be more appealing (it already is by the way) if the images were centered.

I, used to spend SO much time on YouTube and Netflix. I used to binge watch videos during 5-8 hours a day, 6 days a week.
Steemit really is what helped me overcome this addiction. Now, instead of binge watching, I research for interesting topics to post on this platform. Additionally, once you realize that your bad habit is an addiction, just like drugs, alcohol and caffeine, you will be more likely to actually do something and try to break your destructive habit.

Good luck on spending your time more effectively and changing your bad habits :D

Also, thanks for the tip; I'll be centering my images next post :)

Great post. Upvoted and following.

Thank you :D Really appreciate your support :P

First time I’ve ever heard of The Pomodoro technique! It sounds like it would be quite effective!

Indeed, it is VERY effective if you are trying to overcome procrastination. Many people procrastinate because their task seems way too large and difficult. The pomodoro technique helps you seperate that one task into 25-minute sessions and it seems a lot less intimidating.

Thanks for visiting my blog :D

Hustle is one of those great words that is not often used, or used to suggest taking advantage of someone. It's like grit. It isn't a pretty word, but it's a working word, one that promotes success. Great post!

Hustle is the most important thing ever to be successful. There is nothing like overnight success. People who are successful worked for a long time to get there where they are today. If you just see them now, think you will be successful like them tomorrow. That's not the right mindset.

I think patience is one of the most important things. So, be patience and keep hustling. Thank you so much @inspirationalrag for your post. See you.