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RE: What is Property?

in #submedia5 years ago

The European slave trade was primarily cashing in on the far bigger and already existing slave trade, run by Africans, for Africans.
It's an emotionally fueled propaganda, using fiction to create a reality,
to build a narrative to suit an ideology.

But lets not minor details get in the way.

It's also philosophically unsound.

You are your own property, ergo property exists, ergo the argument against property is moot if you believe in your own sovereignty.

Conflating crony capitalism with free markets and it's hijacking of property is misleading and best, and only goes to illustrate. the weakness in the argument.

Using lies to create a faux reality is doomed to failure.

If you believe that you are your own property, and free markets are the extension of the sovereignty of yourself and voluntary action, the entire video is a propaganda piece.

..just sayin'


See, this is what happens when you don't read the books.
You miss large parts of the premise.

That said, they do buy into climate change.

Climate change and white Americans/Europeans being responsible for the slave trade...

It's credibility is sinking faster than a...(Can't think of anything witty, but you know what I mean...)

Lead balloon?
I figure they get open society money.
Regardless, other than being duped, they bring viewpoints we are not getting from the msm.

...thanks for that. lol.

anything that opposes viewpoints from the msm has to have it's merits!