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RE: Sublime Sunday with a Touch of Color

Well I think you have caused him to believe the lie lol. You got @hangin always calling me the-guy-photos lol. So I think checky has just quit already!

No I didnt get my recipe. I am guessing my weekly friend payment wasnt high enough... Shesh Its ok. I know you like to hold out on me...They will just get more slop :)


Which recipe are you talking about??? Oh, yes! That is right. I will send it to you. My God, man! You are so demanding! :)

Na dont bother, but thanks.

Oh. Wow. Sorry. :(

I am sorry too. I really would like to make it, but I thought maybe it was one you didnt feel like sharing... Let me redo and try this again.. Would you please send it? You know how Ben hates having to eat my slop and I would really enjoy making it...please :)

Yes. I promise it will be in your inbox tomorrow. How is that, diva??? ;)