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RE: A wonderful Sunday!

You should have seen me 'racing' for the camera when the indigo bunting showed up at the feeder. That was the first time I had seen one in the yard this spring. I got a couple photos of him alone on the feeder and I was very happy to have those. And then the gold finch came, followed rapidly with the house finch and they all jockeyed for position on the feeder and I just kept snapping pictures until I got that one. The indigo bunting only stayed for about 10 minutes and I haven't seen him since!


I don’t think I’ve seen an indigo bunting bird. Now lovely he decided to pay you a visit and you have the photo.

I see a couple every spring. Years ago I had a pair nest in the yard and I saw them every day all summer and probably even took them for granted. They never nested here again, and now I just get brief springtime migration stopovers