A Sublime Beautiful Sunday Visit At Moms.....

I went to Mom's for a visit today. She is a spry 87 ! I go there most Sunday afternoons. The sky was overcast, but the temps were pleasantly mild, so it was quite a nice day outside.

We pooled our resources for a nice lunch. She had some spaghetti sauce already made and frozen and some crusty french rolls. I brought the angel hair pasta, cabbage for shredded slaw and some grated parmesan cheese. We warmed the sauce, cooked the noodles, shredded the cabbage and toasted the bread. Since the sauce was previously made, it was quite easy to put our lunch together in a short time.

I had stopped on the way out to pick up some biscuits for her at a local biscuit shop and while there, on a whim, bought us each a nice Pumpkin Spice Muffin. By the time we finished our lunch though, we were so full that neither of us took a single bite of them. No worries of course about that, I brought mine home and it might be tomorrow morning's breakfast with come coffee. I am thinking that will be a good way to start off a Monday morning (Mondays.. .yuck !) ha ha.... but this muffin should make it seem a little better I'm thinking.

A bit later, my step-brother came by to pick up some things that Mom had gathered, that previously belonged to his dad. He had been on a fishing trip to the beach this past week and had stopped at a place or two on the way back to pick up a few traditional vacation goodies. He brought Mom some Apple Fritters from one bakery shop and some peanut brittle from another shop. Somehow, we didn't seem to be too full to have some of that brittle.... it was really good.

Before he could leave, my younger sister and her grown son stopped by to take Mom's big trash bin to the road. My nephew tries to do that every Sunday night, so I got to see my Sis and get a big hug. I love hugs.. .don't you? They were on the way to a farm to feed a friend's chickens and horses while they were away, so didn't stay very long.

The flowers at Mom's are blooming still and some even better than the last month, because the worst of the heat is finally vanishing. They should really be showy till the first frosts appear.

You have to love this yellow butterfly photo.... you just HAVE too ! :)


I looked down and saw this Hibiscus. Since it is a sunrise orange and yellow, from a standing position, at first I did not notice the butterfly. Once I did, it just sat there nicely and let me take some photos of it. I was surprised it did not fly away as I got closer and closer with my phone camera.


The Purple Clematis on the sundial has decided to bloom again in celebration of happier weather.

climatis closer.jpg

Mums the word ! The Mums are beginning to open. Soon there will be mounds and mounds of blooms.

mums the word.jpg

It won't be long !

mums up top.jpg

Even the pink Hydrangeas are chiming in with a few last happy clusters.


...and the climbing Black Eyed Susans are coming out to play.

peach climber 2.jpg

It really was a Beautiful and Sublime Sunday.

Hope you have all had a wonderful weekend. Mine has been great, but like always, over WAY too fast !

Hope your coming week is full of happy things.

Love you !


#SublimeSunday hosted by @c0ff33a
@ace198 who hosts #BeautifulSunday
#alwaysaflower hosted by @dswigle


Took me a while to get back here and actually READ the post and LOOK at the images @jacey.boldart
You have a wonderful garden, I love the sundial.
Now if I can just get me some artwork (I'm leaning towards old farm equipment like this)

to put out there, I would be happy to place or plant something interesting around it or on it.
I also have plans for a "water feature" beside my front steps, nothing too large or ostentatious, but something interesting with flowing or trickling water.

I love artsy things outside... ok.. inside too, but you know what I mean. Something to make things a little interesting or something a little surprising.

That looks like a good piece to let something climb on. So many choices when spring rolls back around.

I agree, I want something like the picture I shared, but I would also like to get ahold of a DISK from a Disk Harrow, they make great fire pans for outdoors, and last a whole lot longer than anything you can buy for that purpose.

Lovely photos and bless your mama 🙏

This might sound strange to say, but I think of butterflies as flowers that took wing and flowers as settled butterflies. What if...

Thank you and.....

I can totally imagine the beautiful petals of some colorful flowers, taking flight of a sudden and flying off as butterflys....

That's a pretty thought.....

beautiful flowers

Thank you !

My Mom has always had a "green thumb" as they call it and at 87, she still keeps her yard full of them. I don't know how she has the energy ! ...but it sure is pretty at her house.

Family gatherings have become especially poignant for me this year. Anytime I can get together, I do. It is like I am starved for air, and here it is, only starved for my family. Because I live so far from everyone, whenever anyone gets within reach of me, I will go meet up with them, and if I get really whiny, I will drive halfway to meet up. See how lucky you are?

You could be back in San Antonio! :) I hear they are having a good time without us there! What nerve!

I keep thinking that it is still hot there, so I am not missing much... and in Germany, it is already cold, so I am not missing much. LOL This is how I feel okay about living here. Anyway, it sounds like you had a wonderful time at mom's and those pumpkin muffins are the perfect little tidbit of yumminess to go with my coffee this morning. Share? I mean, I have nothing remotely good... well, except for leftover chocolate layered cake. But, other than that? I think that all of it is dried up and blown away. Which only means that there will have to be more coming down the pipeline.

Glad that your stepbrother picked up the last of his stuff, and it was nice of him to bring your mom something from his vacation. Well, it is Monday, and it has started off nicely, so let's hope the rest of the week does a follow-through!

The flowers? Incredibly delicious and I really love the hibiscus! I love that everything is going into spring mode again! Everything is getting a second life now that the heat has finally subsided. It seems like every one of the hibiscuses that I have had is bold and beautiful! There is no subtle coloring on any of them. Mums indeed! Everywhere I look, they are popping out and coloring my world! I have never had the climbing black-eyed Susans, only the six-foot-tall ones (for odd ones) They are pretty cool looking. Hey, girl! I hope you are having a great day!


Hmm, where is the muffin?

Good thing you asked before I ate it all. I had half of it for breakfast this morning. It DID taste better than it looks....LOL !


Haha. I guess still hoid enough as breakfast

Have a wonderful Sunday 🌸🌸🌸

Thanks you !

It was a good one !

What a fun post! Great sharing about the family and the food! The flowers are so sweet. I always have been a fan of hibiscus because they give and give!

Thank you !

The hibiscus really do give and give and since they are tropical, the tolerate a bit of watering neglect... if that happens.

Being around the family added a bit of happiness to the weekend for sure. Maybe the afterglow of it will get me through the Monday slump. Soon I will be signing onto my home work station and start looking forward to next weekend....LOL !

What awesome photos! Sounds like a nice sort of family type day! Thanks for sharing and have an awesome week! Enjoy the pumpkin spice muffin!

Thank you ! It was a very pleasant afternoon. 😊

My first Pumpkin Spice thing of the year. I guess Autumn really IS here now.

I appreciate you stopping by.

I didn't even notice the butterfly on that hibiscus until you mentioned it. Blended right in!

Looks and sounds like a perfect Sunday with lots of people around as it should be. Mmm peanut brittle, there's always room for that.

These days, we haven't had large gatherings, but it was fun to get to see a couple that were unexpected. Love my family !

I agree.... always room a piece of peanut brittle... .or three. 😄

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