- Your hair may fall out of it. I love 🙁
later if bald, how? 🙁 via
The use of pomade actually does not make your hair fall out, but the ingredients of pomade maker that can make your hair become weak and fall out. especially if you have allergies with certain ingredients, you can be sure that's what causes your hair fall out.
In addition, the use of pomade (especially the type of light pomade) also makes you more comfy hair. Well, the habit of constantly combing this can also be one of the reasons why your hair fall out. But, do not worry you become bald, as long as you diligently clean the hair and take care of it, then it will not happen, really.
2.dandruff did not hesitate to fill your head if the pomade you wear does not match
dandruff 🙁 via
One of the side effects of pomade use is the appearance of dandruff. can not be denied if the pomade is used and on the skin of the head which causes the incidence of white grains that cause your scalp itch. You should understand if uneven use of pomade and scalp is the main cause of dandruff. besides, your hair or your hands are too wet when the use of pomade can be the cause. If it's so any better do not use pomade first. And, do not forget to use anti dandruff shampoo, yes.
- You need to be careful when using oil-containing pomade. because, if contacted the forehead, can grow acne
if it will not look good later 🙁 via
Pomade acne aka pomade acne that can be one of the reasons that you feel because of the use of oil-based pomade. acne that can appear because your pores are clogged due to the use of the pomade. Although only a small acne, but it still hurts.
- The pressure of excessive pomade that used to make you dizzy headache alias
dizzy huh? duh ~ via
the pressure of the pomade you use excessively it can make headaches aka dizziness. The possible cause of this is the smell of pomade that can be very stinging. Indeed, the fragrance is deliberately made so that you are interested in the smell.
though not poisonous but you still have to reduce its use or switch to another type of pomade that smells more soft, so head-free headache!
- Finally, your activity may be disturbed because you so often go in and out of the toilet just to look in the mirror and comb!
ngaca mulu>. <via
This last side effect may be a powerful distraction to your activities. That's because you are so diligent back and forth to the toilet to see your hairdo in the mirror and then comb. Hihihi. not a problem anyway, but if excessive is also not good. You need to remember if indeed everything done in excess is not good for yourself. 🙂
If it appears side effects you can get it, try to reduce the use of pomade. maybe if you used to wear it every day, change it once a week. Use the pomade when you need to use it. And, do not forget to clean and take care of your head health too, yes !