#STWT Show 33 - Meaning of #33, Mueller Investigation, Parkland, NSA Firefight, Yemen, Syria...

Film Summary
This is the 33rd episode of Spitting Truth with Titus #STWT Live Show. Welcome to the bottom of the rabbit hole.
Tonight we will be discussing the Mueller Investigation and how it was a complete joke. The FBI wasted a vast amount of its resources and tax payer dollars on a wild goose chase that went nowhere. The entire "Russian Bots" thing has been thrown out the window as the Russians officially funded both sides. Press Conference: Link
I also covered the obvious false flag that occurred in Parkland Florida. There are signs the shooter was on psychotropic drugs, and there are witnesses claiming multiple shooters. The Fox News station cut off a reporter for talking about the drugs angle. See article below.
Psychotropic drugs article: https://steemit.com/news/@tftproject/watch-fox-news-cuts-off-reporter-when-she-links-psychotropic-drugs-to-florida-shooter
Multiple Shooters Black Stone Intel Video: Link
I covered the return of Ben Swann who discussed having his PizzaGate coverage pulled: https://steemit.com/dtube/@pressfortruth/1tkq8t2x
Report finds 3,300 pedos employed by United Nations still, and they are guilty of roughly 60,000 rapes of children: https://steemit.com/news/@tftproject/report-finds-un-employees-3-300-pedophiles-responsible-for-60-000-rapes-in-last-10-years
Former kids care, exposure of CFS in Winnipeg: https://steemit.com/opwinnipeg/@cfs.leaks/3qehfu64
Open Secret, who receives the most funding from the "Deep State" aka the Military Industrial Complex? https://steemit.com/politics/@v4vapid/open-secrets-which-us-politicians-receive-the-most-from-the-defense-industry
Brain Teaser: https://steemit.com/dmania/@mes/who-can-solve-this-brain-teaser-first-person-to-solve-it-gets-100-upvote-zg1hbmlh-bd1sc
Unicef member guilty of child rape:
Quentin Tarantino defending Roman Polanski raping a 13 year old child: ~~~ embed:964661766272806913 twitter metadata:VGhlSG9uZXliZWVffHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL1RoZUhvbmV5YmVlXy9zdGF0dXMvOTY0NjYxNzY2MjcyODA2OTEzfA== ~~~
We also discussed the ongoing Geo political war in Yemen and Syria and who was really behind the chaos there.
Guests In order of Appearance: (All Steemians!)
TLA Vagabond: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_ClYrAtDNAGy5J0N-AwBNw Steemit: https://steemit.com/@tlavagabond
Lift The Veil: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_rHIryFaY1d9Tt46SQE8tQ Steemit: https://steemit.com/@lifttheveil411
Brian Richmond: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC55VAeNjVYNp2Umqfo4TOUQ Steemit: https://steemit.com/@brichpodcast
Leigh Stewy: https://www.youtube.com/user/thisisleigh Steemit: https://steemit.com/@leighstewy
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It is time for the investigation to come to a close. Of course there is too much outcry over the bias and conflicts of interests of Mueller and company for any investigation into Trump to be credible anyway. Besides Trump is innocent anyway. He is a business man, not a politician.
yaah The Fox News station cut off a reporter for talking about the drugs angle! so sad amny people are are emplyed but why rapes cases are hifh in united nation are bad! we have to take big step to avoid this in future! great post sir i am always waiting for your post resteem!
Thank you for sharing
wow very nice post. plz upvote
You've made a good habit. I'm fascinated to see your post. I think you have written about the important topics I'm waiting for every one of you next
Nice. I'v missed alot, just checked your profile and see all your interesting post.. I'll be on the outlook for your next post
great post..........
Hey Dean, I plan on watching your show throughout the day. You may have talked about this but if not, I just wanted to bring it up to your attention. According to the Miami Herald, school officials are going to tear one of the buildings of the school down. The link is here:
This is just another factor to lead me to believe that this is a false flag, I mean they're planning on tearing it down less than 48 hours after the shooting (the article was dated the 16th). I say this because working in public education, whenever there is demolition or construction, the county has to vote to approve a new spending bill and have a designed plan and timeline for renovation or building new elementary or high schools. Obviously, each district does it a little different but this was just strange to me.
Yo Titus,
If you are going to do another #opsafewinter I would be down to help on the ground. I live in the great garden state but have family in MA. Let me know if you are planning another one and if you need some help. Thanks.
Great post.... thanks for sharing