Spitting Truth with Titus Live Show Steemit AMA Post
Ask Your Questions Steemians!
This is the steemit AMA post that I make once a week for my Friday Night Live Stream show "Spitting Truth with Titus" #STWT, in this livestream show I cover many topics, and normally feature a guest or two. However my favorite segment of the show is actually answering the AMA questions from Steemit / Patreon. If you submit your question on either this steemit post or on my patreon post you are 100% guaranteed to see your question read and answered live on air. You can also submit a video or audio question that I will play on air as well.
My main YouTube channel has an audience of over 28 thousand subscribers, so this is a way to get your question out there. If you have created a business, product or website that you think my audience will be interested in, then ask me about it in the form of a question. This could be free marketing for your new thing.
Due to YouTube censorship I am still suspended from live streaming from my main channel. So this will be broadcasted live at 9 pm Eastern (roughly) tonight on my back up channel "Lulz Machine", as soon as the live stream is over I will re-upload the video to my main channel and to Dtube and Vid.me, BitChute will also mirror it. So this video will be seen by thousands of people, so make your questions good. You don't want to ask some stupid thing and get ripped apart by me in front of that many people either, so if you come at me with something like "why do you have a big jew nose", then I am going to shred you apart live on air. Mainly because I am Christian of French descent, and my nose is messed up from playing ice hockey and breaking it 6 times, not because "I am Jewish" lolz trolls. I am also not a CIA plant, or a "Vatican Plant" to those trolls. So ask your questions but expect to have them answered.
I make these posts on steemit and patreon to encourage my large audience to join those platforms to have their questions answered. So not only does it allow me to engage with the audience it offers them incentive to join these two platforms, both of which are my main source for finances in becoming and independent journalist. Thank you to all my patreon supporters and my steemit followers, without you I would not be able to make videos as I would not have the time to do so.
I look forward to your responses as always below.
Tune in Live at 9PM Eastern for the Show:
Help me out by up-voting and re-steeming this and or by making me an Independent Journalist by funding me on Patreon with monthly support. My Patreon
Don't forget to follow me @TitusFrost for more of my work coming in the near future...
You can also connect with me on:
- My Patreon
- Titus Frost YouTube
- Lulz Machine YouTube
- Twitter: @ImperatorTruth (When I am not suspended)
- FedBook: "The Lost Truth"
- Minds.com: "TitusFrost"
- My Vid.Me Channel
- My Published Book: "The Lost Truth"
- Gab.ai: TitusFrost
- BitChute
- Check out my book on OpenLibrary
- Read my Book The Lost Truth for Free online
- DTube Channel: https://dtube.video/c/titusfrost
- Lulz Machine BitChute Channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Lulz_Machine/
Don't forget to follow me @TitusFrost for more of my work coming in the near future...
You can also connect with me on:
- My Patreon
- Titus Frost YouTube
- Lulz Machine YouTube
- Twitter: @ImperatorTruth (When I am not suspended)
- FedBook: "The Lost Truth"
- Minds.com: "TitusFrost"
- My Vid.Me Channel
- My Published Book: "The Lost Truth"
- Gab.ai: TitusFrost
- BitChute
- Check out my book on OpenLibrary
- Read my Book The Lost Truth for Free online
- DTube Channel: https://dtube.video/c/titusfrost
- Lulz Machine BitChute Channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Lulz_Machine/
What are your thoughts on the new blockchain Earth Dollar? IMO it will be the global currency of the nwo.
thanks friend for giving us opportunity to ask questions, well i am not an expert questioner by any means but i have a question in my mind, how do you see a future of steem is it bright or dull, i heard that steem should touch at least 10$ in upcoming years is it possible and what influence did induction of SMT makes to steem blockchain is it good for steem or bad.
What can I do to get @berniesanders to stop?