Is college worth the money?

in #student7 years ago

My wife just graduated college and got a job. She is about to start her masters in the fall. She got her degree in psychology and is going to masters in ABA. I am not going to go into details about her degree, masters or job. I am just going to give you some numbers. After graduating with national honors her job is paying her $14 per hour. Her debt so far is $64K dollars. Seems excessive amount of debt for a $14 an hour job. We have outstanding student loan debt near 1 trillion dollars. This is a broken system. In my opinion a system of paid apprenticeship would be a much better system. We need the education system flipped on its head or completely bypassed after highschool. I hate taxes but I think it would be less expensive for the government to offer businesses tax breaks for hiring and training in specific fields or for the gonverment to contribute some of the salary to on the job training for a predetermined amount of time. The stScreenshot_20170613-133832.pngudent loan bubble is going to be a much bigger problem.


I think loans should depend on your degree and the average amount of expected pay after receiving the degree, instead of an ambiguous number for every type of degree and background. Best of luck to you and your wife.

Everything I learned in college I learned in my dorm
6 years later I'm still paying off student loans

One of the biggest lies peddled by the media and gov't in the last 10 years or so is that EVERYONE deserves a college education. I couldn't disagree more. Not everyone is cut out for it, myself being a prime example. It's one thing to go the route of my buddy, 8 years of school w/ probably 200k+ in loan debt, but he is now an ophthalmologist and will have his debt paid off in no time and will be set for life. It's another to enroll in a 4 year school with no idea in your head of what you want to do or what you want to accomplish. Starting your adult life off in debt puts you at such a disadvantage in the future if you're not sure what you've signed up for. If I could go back and change my short college life (it was fun now, don't get me wrong, but) I would have travelled the world. Life is short and you only live once...

I don't think that the problem can be fixed until there is a mindset change.

We say we value knowledge, but we don't reward it.
We tell people that experience is important, but we don't equip and train.

And still most of us just have is a piece of paper that has no real value in the "real world."

Great to hear from all of you. It is up to us to do the best for our children. Let the establishment know through multi media we will not throw our children into life long debt before they are truely old enough to know what the want to do with their lives.