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RE: Tannourine in Lebanon: Street Photography

It's amazing how cars can really add historical markers isn't it? I was watching an old TV show the other day from 1995 and apart from the clothes and hairstyles, the thing I noticed the most was how the cars all look so basic compared to the modern ones. But I actually remember those cars looking like that. For example the Ford Fiesta, the design of that time compared to the one we see here in 2018 is so significant it's hard to see them as the same model.

I also remember as a young kid growing up in London, seeing the old "Bedford Van's" that used to be everywhere at one time, but were all but phased out by the late 1980's. Replaced mostly with the all too common Transit van. So if I see a Bedford van then I instantly think back to my childhood in the early 80's. I see a Ford Ka and immediately I think of the late 90's when the Millenium was approaching and I had just left college. So yeah, clothes, hairstyles and cars seem to be significant markers I find.


That's it Westley, cars are so much a fashion item these days that we can tell immediately the time period based on the car models in the image.
I remember the old Bedford vans and lorries as well and then the flood of Transits. I had a few myself. Great workhorse of a van.
Just been watching your video on the changes at YouTube. You are right on every count. It's OK to be angry but not about the money aspect as that was for many immaterial.

Those YouTubers who are left on the platform will now be under much tighter scrutiny and restrictions which will kill any creativity they may have had left.
One important point that I stand by is to always have a website that you own and control.

With the advent of html5 websites that can now handle our videos. We don't need YouTube to host our video content anymore.

I think they have made a huge error business wise as the attraction of YouTube was the diversity of content creators.

Those creators will move onto their own websites if they have any sense. If they are not interested in earning money they can use one of a million free websites too. Some even allow adsense! So it's a no-brainer really.

Then of course we have steemit which is knocking everything out of the park.

Thanks for the watch sir :-) Indeed, YouTube have really hobbled themselves when it comes to competition. With so many more options available now they can no longer hold the monopoly. There is no way they can satisfy every advertiser, even if they regulate the content. It's just a matter of time befroe the next adpocalypse will start because at the minute the most popular YouTubers tend to be antagonistic pranksters.

In fact they have recently kicked one of them for a prank about throwing water in the faces of random members of the public from a bottle. People said it was irresponsible what with the increase in acid attacks in the city. So to show they are "all of a sudden" proactive, YouTube shut down his channel. I can't imagine the remaining creators will put up with being pushed around if they know they can find a platform elsewhere.

It's like any other habit. Sometimes it's hard to kick because people have 'invested' time and effort into the platform. Being under the control of any website is asking for trouble? People need to wake up to reality. Reminds me of the old saying.

First they came for the socialists and I didn't speak out I'm pretty sure you know the rest?

Whoops we seem to have drifted off topic lol my bad.

Well, at least we had a topical conversation in the process lol ;-)

True and very interesting too. It's a topic that will run and run lol