Fox and Raven Graffiti House at Ivan Vazov Street in Sofia [BULGARIA]

in #streetart7 years ago


On our streetart excursion in Sofia (Bulgaria) - I wrote already a first post about it - we passed as well a building on Ivan Vazov Street which was completely covered with a huge mural with graffiti and characters by the 140 IDEAS Crew. The theme was the reading boy and the fable of the fox and the raven. Included in the painting there is as well the great book of the „Kings“ and the „Toys“. Amazing!




Some quintessence our guide Niki Borisov told us is to look more closely and think more about what you see. In many artworks you can observe and read some message behind, even if it´s just the fact to show you that there could be different perspectives on situations, life and anything at all except the ones you just know. Graffit and streetart is an important factor of the selfdiscovery and identification process of Sofia in the 21 century after the long gone repression of the communism but the city is now facing the new and more different problems of consumption in the capitalistic world. In the full article at there are more photos, information and a nice interview with graffiti expert Niki Borisov.



More postings about [BULGARIA]

More postings about [STREETART]


Full article with more photographs, interviews and a lot of information on the Vagabundler website:


The color in this work is amazing.
So full of details and I loved how the AC is also part of the piece...

Amazing! Thanks for sharing.