Monday Street and Documentary Photography challenge #9

Good to see you in Street and Documentary challenge. This is my entry for The Street and Documentary challenge! Let’s check it out:


Rules to follow in this Street and Documentary photography challenge:
• Street Photograph / images that represent activities of the people and have positive meaning in life.
• Present one or two images every day.
• You may add people if you want.
• Write short description or caption about your photos
• Use the tag - #street-photography as your first tag and #plankton-help as your second tag.

A revised summary will be communicated if any error or inaccuracy is reported to me.
If you have any suggestions or corrections to make, just drop me a note!

"Life is like a straight road, going up and down, turning right then slightly left, or maybe having to stop for a while to take a break


"These days, no one can predict what kinds of criminals are roaming the streets. It's very unwise to let a small child walk alone."

Always and forever,
Thank you for stopping by on my blog! Peace out! Hope you’re making it through this day! Here’s to a great Thursday.