
The market cap is only $56,000,000

The price can rise much higher than $2

what about the first mover advantage of Augur and Gnosis? There is going to be some real competition and here is when a Unique Selling Point/Purple Cow comes into play. At the moment I really don't see anything. I'd say NEO has bigger room for growth despite being $2+ billion dollars of market cap.

You need fundamentals. Do you think Google Search's market share indicates it's quality of results? I have used Bing and I'd say not really.

Promotion, brand quality and status are the reason Stox wins. We live in a controlled world. It's not a fair environment for cryptocurrencies.

Neo is going to be the number 1 cryptocurrency, even above Bitcoin. Planned long in advance. All of these names and dates were chosen carefully.

This is the info I was given and as crazy as it sounded I soon began to believe. This is one crazy world.

Planned long in advance. That's the keyword. Even if stox wins it'll still have a lower growth than NEO. the $2+ billion dollar coin will multiply more in value than the currently $51,093,448 coin.

I'm a Buddhist. I only believe in actions and consequences (Also head over heels for Matrix Trilogy+Animatrix). NEO did so many thing right. Let me rephrase that: They NAILED it. Now it's all just a waiting game.

Bought after the initial dip. Sold it. Currently waiting for a bottom.Also another something I'm interested in

Is the Monaco card accepted everywhere? Can't seem to figure that out.

They seem to be going for a Debit Card+Mobile App. It would maximize availability. Their intro pretty much sold me on it. Made few bucks and got out. Then I baught Sia so I missed the second wave. Waiting till it's at $4 or less.

$2 is super cheap. and STX is all the buzz in the community right now. If they back it up with a solid product investors will make a killing
