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RE: My Personal Thoughts on "It Follows"

in #story7 years ago

Ehy Ezzy, always nice to read you.

I've never been a fan of this kind of movie, mainly because it either fails completely to scare me (90% of the time) or it scares me crapless when it hits some special keys. At any rate I'll give this one a try, the idea that the killer might be anyone reminds me of The Thing, and I loved that movie.


Oh, mate! I can probably count on one hand the movies that have genuinely frightened me. I'm as immune to the "scary movie" as one can get. Yet this is one of those rarities that actual did it. Because it got you to think about the fear instead of merely "seeing" it. I believe it got that special something just right and that's why I seriously recommend this for you, my friend. :)

I'll definitely follow your advice. I only wished I didn't have so long a watchlist :(