like that red Indian guy at the beginning whose name I blissfully don't know(like what was his purpose in that movie sef). And Katana too, let's not forget Katana.I'll agree with @ziofeda on this one. Suicide squad didn't just do it for me. Plot holes and all. I felt Rick Flag was too much on the exposition bit and certain characters were unnecessary—
I loved Deadshot and the humanity they gave him, Harlequin did pretty well too-played the psycho bitch part good. Jared, Jared, Jared...he seemed more psycho gangster than calculating joker, what was up with the grills.
His performance was too over the top. I think Suicide Squad is okay but it would have done better though.
Yes, the comments have been pretty divided as to the opinion of this movie. Though the lore is not as strong as Marvel's. Maybe I cut them a little more slack in that department, lol. And as for the Joker. Well, isn't he just the "marmite" of this movie! I personally found his new take refreshing. But hey, that's just the way it goes... :)