I said in frustrated voice, all that you saw is drug induced hallucination. Your starting story can be digested a bit. Your only two worlds Going from one to the other. There is no reason to digest the present story.
You're not asking for digestion. It may be that what I see is false, but I enjoy it. Going from one world to another. Some time I was in the underwater world. Say it
Please listen. People in the world are under the water. Live like fish They flock around It's not right to turn around. Always have to swim against the current. Journey in search of the source of this journey.
There you must be the sultana girl who was still alive.
Hmmm! I think you are very annoyed by my words.
I said, your idea is correct. I am quite annoyed. You are flouting. The person who hears the talk, he will be annoyed.
Nalini Babu said, do not say anything else. I said, you did not tell your romantic part to the Sultana girl. I want to hear that part. What is the objection?
No objection. I feel a bit shy.
I said, the darkness is shameful. The dark shame takes place. Tell this part to see the stars they see.
Nalini Babu started the story with great enthusiasm, girls in the village school girls are middle-class students. Sultana had no exceptions. The shy one girl is very cool. Eyes in the eyes immediately saw the eyes down. After the sari came to the class. Sheets on sarees Cover the cap. I told you earlier I used to joke in the class. Everyone laughed, this girl never smiled. She is the only girl who did not answer the question. After hearing he did not just answer my question. Answer other teacher questions exactly. I did not understand anything about this.
It's a month's month. I have a fever Good fever Doctors fear pneumonia I'm in the house. Medical treatment The disease is not cure. Rather than growing.
My body is very bad The trouble started in the breath. I've closed my eyes. Suddenly a cold hand touched the forehead. The smell of lemon in hand I looked surprised. I was surprised to see Sultana He did not remove his arm even when he was looking at me. I am surprised, you said.
Sultana yes shook the index head.
I said, you came alone? Did anyone know that you came?
Sultana said in a low voice, nobody knows.
I said, did you, go home early.
He said, sir, I will not go.
Why not?
Sultana was crying and crying. This is my last meeting with her. Shortly afterwards, his father and his brothers came and brought him from his house. He was almost taken forcibly. His schooling was stopped. He was sent to Comilla.
Nalini Babu was silent. I said, when you go from happiness to world of happiness, do you see Sultana?
অনেক ভালো লাগলো আপনার সম্পূর্ণ লেখাটা। আশা করি আপনি আরও ভালো ভালো লেখা উপহার দিবেন আমাদের।
I love your writing.