in #story7 years ago (edited)

All the steemian greetings

The morning had arrived with a swift and tidy they set out.
Each step is traversed while carrying a locked canvas.
came with just riding a pedal bike to school.
The secrets behind the mystery of the bag in the backpack of the profession that is undertaken.
this hundred-year-old profession feels timeless.
** one voice for the country ** every breath of their breath (my teacher)

The glorious arrival for science, the tote bag was opened, the window of the world lit up.
Every morning the lime dust became a companion, but their smile did not escape at all.
A sincere smile unraveled in a pen on a table in a white paper stroke.

They come to give life and noble task that will shape the character of his students
to be qualified human beings because it is very important in the world, because the world needs the educated people in order to build a developed country.
They educate the character of a child here. People who are very influential in educating the character after the parents at home
both characteristic such as the fulfillment of the need to eat and mimum also the need for affection and the sense of security from any disturbance to the child They are the second parent after the mother and father.
so can pursue the dream without turning that word spoken. they are unsung heroes, Because no amount of his services there is no sign of service that (teachers) receive

** one vote for country ** it is the right word for them and their services They do not complain and ask anything from us. understand the surroundings,
No rank of 1 star, 2 star or any other stars.
The teacher is the one who teaches us all to write and read.

** You are not like the sun that always illuminates the earth at all times, but you are like the moonlight, which if our learning motivation is dim so you light up till we come back again learn and learn until finally success **

This post I dedicate to the Steemian all around the world @myteacher, @damarth, @skorek @r2cornell, @d-pend @lorilikes , @lugina, @lkrahch and @everlove which became my motivation during the Steemit.

Thanks you so much for reading






All the steemian greetings
By :

Pagi telah tiba dengan sigap dan rapi mereka berangkat.
Setiap langkah setapak dilalui sambil menjinjing brangkas yang masih terkunci.datang dengan hanya mengendarai sebuah sepeda pedal ke sekolah.
Rahasia dibalik misteri tas yang di jinjing dari profesi yang dijalani.
profesi yang sudah berusia ratusan tahun ini rasanya tidak lekang oleh waktu.
Dalam satu suara untuk negeri terhembus di nafas mereka.

Kedatangan mulia untuk ilmu, brangkas tas jinjing telah buka, jendela dunia menyala.
Setiap pagi debu kapur jadi pendamping, tapi senyum mereka tidak luput sedikitpun.
Senyuman ikhlas terurai dalam pena di atas meja dalam goresan kertas putih.

Mereka datang memberi kehidupan dan tugas mulia yang akan membentuk karakter murid-muridnya menjadi manusia-manusia yang berkualitas karena sangat dianggap penting di dunia, karena dunia butuh akan orang-orang yang berpendidikan agar dapat membangun Negara yang maju.
Mereka mendidik karakter seorang anak disini.orang yang sangat berpengaruh dalam mendidik karakter setelah orang tua dirumah . baik karakter secara fsikis seperti pemenuhan kebutuhan akan makan dan mimum juga kebutuhan kasih sayang serta rasa aman dari gangguan apapun terhadap anak
Mereka orang tua ke dua setelah ibu dan ayah.

**satu suara untuk negeri ** itu adalah kata yang tepat untuk mereka dan jasa nya
Mereka tidak mengeluh dan meminta apa-apa dari kami. mengerti sekeliling, jadi bisa mengejar impian tanpa berpaling itulah kata yang terucap.
mereka pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa,Karena sebesar apapun jasanya tidak ada tanda jasa yang (guru ) terima. Tidak ada pangkat bintang 1, bintang 2 ataupun bintang-bintang yang lain. Guru adalah yang mengajarkan kita semua menulis dan membaca.

Engkau tak seperti matahari yang selalu menerangi bumi setiap saat, tapi engkau seperti cahaya bulan yang jika motivasi belajar kami redup maka engkaulah yang meneranginya hingga kami kembali lagi belajar dan belajar hingga akhirnya sukses

Post ini saya persembahkan kepada Steemian di seluruh dunia @myteacher, @damarth, @skorek @r2cornell, @d-pend @lorilikes, @lugina, @lkrahch and @everlove yang menjadi motivasiku selama Steemit.

thank you so much for reading

@wiralhokseumawe By :



Nice work, beautiful!

You are God's hand to me, you are God's mouth for me, you are messenger and good news for me. That I do not know and I understand now.
Thanks you so much my teacher @lorilikes for his praise , you are my inspirations This is a boon to me because God presents a teacher like you @lorilikes

That’s a great compliment, thank you darling. I have to tell you, I am not the best by example- I make many many many mistakes, and you should not make my same mistakes.
I try to share as I learn and that means that A lot of what I talk about is experimental and I change my mind and my behaviors ... often. ❤️I am hoping I will only share with you things that help you life and your beautiful spirit. Are you a female? Are you the girl in these photos?
Beauty like yours is from your soul, it shines so much.

do not ever regret the mistakes of the past, because the mistakes of the past will be the best science for the future. I never look from your fault, because my belief, you are my best teacher of every post you are motivated for me@lorilikes


I'm wearing a suit.

sorry if i am wrong in talking Thanks you so much my teacher @lorilikes

👀 Really?
That is you? A handsome young man. All life ahead of you.
Please prove your self.
Show me a new picture, holding a note that says your username and my own username too, please. Draw names in the dirt if you must, any way to write it out and take a picture. Also do this with Any one I speak to that lives near you, if you are friends please send a picture together. I am trying to remember you. And you will understand I need to be sure it is you. 👍🏻
Thank you! 🦋

yes it is honest from my conscience.
thanks my dear teacher for his praise
And this is my own photo


I will also upload exclusively for my beloved motivation and teacher, some of my social activities with my friends



even though the sun burns skin and sweat. I have been trying to give them a smile
to convince you, I will also notify the name of my facebook account with the name wiradrimza
sorry if i got wrong and misrepresented your comment, because language my english is a bit chaotic. I honestly want you to be my dearest teacher and my motivation.

sorry if I'm late to respond to comments, here the network again slow 😀😀
oya dear, I have post, maybe there is a shortage may give feedback on my writing!! Thanks you so much @lorilikes

Thanks you so much my teacher lovely @lorilikes

Your post is very good and true we must remember our teacher's service. as an illumination of information
Thanks you so much @wiralhokseumawe

for his attention. Let's all give a little smile for them
let's do good
(save the children)Thanks you @azrilmaulana

Teachers come in many forms. If one is an astute student, life will be the greatest teacher of all. Grateful to inspire @wiralhokseumawe. Thank you for the mention.

You are the hand of God for me, you are the mouth of God for me, you are the messenger and the good news for me.
That I do not know and I understand now.

This is a great gift for me because God presents a teacher like you @everlove Thanks you so much my teachers @everlove

How divine it is that we are just where we need to be when we need to be. I have been blessed with many life lessons on the journey to the soul. It seems there is no greater path than bringing ourselves back to oneness to complete the whole. I have also been blessed with @quinneaker in my life, as he has helped me wake up and see many things I never saw before. What goes around, comes around. I feel the greatest gift we can give back to those who help us, is to pay it forward....and I intend to do just that. I'm grateful that my words speak to you @wiralhokseumawe. I'm grateful we speak that same language.

I am very confident of your sincerity. the teacher is the light and we are not able to reciprocate
Good post @wiralhokseumawe

hopefully they are healthy always and lucky
I love my teachersthanks so much for the praise @aul, let us all love and care for our teachers

It ia a good charity projects brother. I think this is an important think to publicate, because there is so many society members stil unrespect to this profession. Thank for posting.