Application For The Worst Job - normal people

in #story2 months ago


Monkey Business
Endless Road 11
Monkey World

Hey you,

After I spoke with my mate a headhunter about your organisation I decided to make you an offer.
So you believe you are a leader but are in high need of keeping the monkeys at work? I investigated your business and your past and understand your problem. The rudeness your employers use as service agents is the result of bad acts and makes them change into monkeys.
Indeed what these people do, the lying, cheating, and scamming, is the worst of the worst and because you are not able to solve the issue I will make it work, after all everyone needs a head slayer and you can count yourself lucky that I am offering myself for this rotten job while you can wash your hands in innocence when the ringleaders are caught.

If you are desperate enough, you have my number. The offer is valid until 11 am tomorrow, by then the agreement, with the expected reward mentioned in my next message, must be signed and arrived in my email. The clock is ticking. Be wise I know where to find you.

Anim A.L. Rescue

The title is the prompt and provided by @daily.prompt


Headslayer offering her services with a threat😂😂😂

The image is vivid😭😂😂