The bread seekers.
There once was a poor woman widow with a son. Every day, the mother and her son went begging from door to door, in farms and manors, collecting here a piece of barley bread, further away a buckwheat pancake, elsewhere a few potatoes; and they thus lived on the charity of good souls. The child was called Allanic, and his mother was Godic or Marguerite. When Allanic had reached the age of fourteen or fifteen, as he was vigorous and healthy, and nevertheless continued to beg with his mother, the peasants often said to her:
"It is high time, Marguerite, that this fellow also works to earn his bread; you've fed him long enough to do nothing, now it's his turn to help you too. See how strong and healthy he is! Are you not ashamed, lazy fellow, to remain in charge of your old mother?"
Every day there were similar reprimands, and every day they came home in the evening with their bags lighter. When Allanic saw this, he said to his mother:
"I want to go to France, Mother, to try to earn my living and to help you in my turn."
Godic felt sorrow at his son's resolution, but she nevertheless understood that she could not keep him forever, and did not oppose his departure.
So Allanic left one fine spring morning, carrying, at the end of a stick, a rye loaf of bread, with six crepes, and very proud to have in his pocket six reales (one franc fifty) that his mother had given him. He was going on an adventure, by the grace of God. Around noon, he noticed on the side of the road that he was following a fountain with fresh, clear water, shaded by a clump of trees. He stopped there to rest a little, eat a piece of bread with a crepe, then continue on his way. While he was enjoying his frugal meal, sitting in the shade, another traveler who seemed hardly richer than him, also approached the fountain to quench his thirst. Allanic offered him a crepe; they entered into conversation and quickly became friends.
"Where are you going like this, comrade?" Allanic told him.
"Well, I'm going ahead, and I don't know much more. And you?"
"I'm going to France to try to earn my living."
"Well, let's travel together if you want?"
"I couldn't ask for anything better. What job do you do?"
"I am a dancer, and my name is Fistilou."
"Wonderful, because I am a musician and my name is Allanic."
"But what instrument do you play? because I don't see any."
"Oh! My instrument does not cost much, and I will find one at my discretion. Hey, here’s a field full of them. So many straws, two or three times as many instruments."
"What do you mean? You're probably joking."
"I'm not joking, and I'm going to prove it to you right now."
And jumping over the fence into a field of rye that was nearby, Allanic cut a stalk of rye with his knife, and in an instant, he had made a reed, similar to those we see with the little shepherds, in spring; and he began to play it with unusual skill and talent. Fistilou, upon hearing it, began to dance, frolic, and throw his hat in the air, shouting: Yeh! yow! hoo! hoo! like the Cornish people. And here they are, the best friends in the world, continuing their journey, running, laughing, and dreaming of abundant gains.
Source: Le Géant Goulaffre from the French book Contes et légendes de Basse-Bretagne published in 1891.
Previous Tale: God's Will
Hello, my name is Vincent Celier.
I am writing translations of folk tales that I found in public domain French books, so that people who do not understand French may enjoy them too.
This tale has been written by a different Author: François-Marie Luzel, who also went by his Breton name: Fañch an Uhel.
As implied by the title, there will be another giant in the tale, but we don't see him in this first part.
I just failed another of my resolutions for 2024.
Yesterday, I failed to power up one Hive, as I should do every day, to get the Power Up Month badge for January 2024.

I should be more careful in the future.
Today's temperature is still -14°C here. But it is warming up. In the afternoon, it will go up to -8°C. And next night the minimum will be -11°C.
-- Vincent Celier
Now a new story has started and I liked the previous story very much because we got many lessons from this story and we have seen such things happening in our life. After reading today's story, I would like to say that it is very difficult for those who are poor people to live, now this mother and son are living in a very difficult situation and they are taking bread from people. So we just pray here that this time does not come upon any person and that every person earns enough money to be able to honor his family. They are happy to help and there are some people who do not like to give bread to them at all. We have to say here that if we are placed in a good place by God at this time, then we should help the poor people.
Here is our city, it was very famous in terms of heat, but this time it is so cold here that it has become difficult for people to leave the house because people used to spend a lot of time in the heat and now the temperature here is five or six degrees.
I actually like the decision Allanic took by leaving his mother's house and going in search of greener pastures. However, I know it's not going to be easy for his mother to see her fifteen-year-old son travelling to a country where he knows no one so he can earn a living.
I just hope that Allanic should be in his best behaviour having known the background he came from and what brought him that far. And I just pray his new friend won't mislead him.
Having a New Year Resolution sometimes isn't easy to stick to it. They require a high level of dedication to keep to them. Though some days can be so frustrating and tiring. I just pray you will have the strength to keep to it, so you won't miss anyone again. You are actually trying it's not easy.
Let's hope Allanic succeeds in France and makes his fortune so he can return home to help his poor aged mother. He was wise to listen to the rebuke of people and leave his mother to go and labour. Maybe the friendship he has formed Fistilou the dancer will help him make his fortune and maybe the skills that two of them possess will help him in doing that and maybe that's where the giant will come into the story.
Thanks for translating this tale.
Dont let the disappointment of this failure get to you. Keep pursuing your hive goals and you would have achieved a lot by the end of 2024. I hope you are able to cope with the harsh temperatures in your area.
God bless and goodbye, @vcelier.
Why do I have this feeling that Allanic is another financial giant in the making though he comes from a very humble background.
It was senseless him continuing to beg with his mother at his age so his decision to go to France to carve a niche for himself is very much welcomed.
He shows his kindness in giving part of his food to a stranger who later becomes, his friend.
What becomes of their voyage together as musicians?
Still cold over there.
Resolutions are to make us more sensitive and sensible, not to be slaves to it. Your resolutions are your guide to something nobler, we can't be 100% in meeting up with our resolutions. You will do better next time.
This is just right 😊, a wise decision indeed. Allaninc living his mother to sort out for greener pastures was an amazing idea. What a coincidence, a good instrumentalists (Allaninc) meeting a good dancer (Fistilou) it's a good sign that both are destined for greatness. The joy on Fistilou face, upon hearing Allanic playing his instrument and how he dance and dance, throwing his hat in the air, shouting: Yeh! yow! hoo! To me, it Show both of them have a connection in destiny.
Oh no! don't worry, some days are like that. But i am sure you are doing a great job with your hive power. More grace on not missing out again🙈.
The giant is yet to appear but I hope he would be a good and helpful one.
Allanic is old enough to take care of his mom, the villagers were very right and if he becomes a better person tomorrow, he has the them to thank for it.
He meets with a kindred spirit and I hope they both journey into good fortune.
As for the resolutions, we sometimes fail, but picking it up from where you left it.
I wish you better luck next time.
I can imagine how the mother will feel when her little son of fifteen years is traveling so he can make ends meet. I’m sure she’s not going to be very cool but she does not have a choice. I’m glad that Allanic met Fistilou.
I’m glad that he won’t be alone which means he can always have someone to talk to but I’m surely going to like their friendship. Since Allanic is a musician and Fistilou is a dancer, it will be somewhat easy to make money from their talents
I do agree with the peasant's statement that Allanic should work to help his mother. I am curious though on why he decided to leave instead of work in the area. Seeing as he has a talent for music, and is crafty, I can see he has a bright future. Meeting a dancer on the way, it will be interesting to see how their journey unfolds.
The moving story of Allanic and his mother Godic, who live off charity while facing community pressure for Allanic to work. Allanic's decision to go to France in search of a better life shows his desire to help his mother. Chance leads him to meet Fistilou, a dancer, and his ingenuity in creating an improvised musical instrument demonstrates his creativity. The friendship that develops between them highlights the special connection that can arise between people with shared passions.
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A good start to a fairy tale. I hope Allanic finds a good job in France and becomes a rich man.