Yesterday, I arrived in France in the morning.I met my brother Benoît who had a meeting near Paris and he drove me to his farm in Le Boullay-Mivoye.
When he was 14 years old, Benoît decided that he wanted to be a farmer. So, in agreement with my parents, he studied in an agricultural high school near Chartres. There, he met his future wife, Jeanne-Marie. After their wedding, in 1978, they started to work with his father in law. Then, they took over the farm.
Today, Benoît is 62 years old, and with his son Clément, he is exploiting a farm of 220 hectares, in one of the best agricultural region in France, Beauce, 15 km from the city of Dreux.

Benoît and his son Clément

The farmer and his tractor
The farm is in fact the merging of 3 farms, one large and two small. There are a number of barns, some of them, according to Benoît were initially build during the XVth century. They have been modified several times over the centuries, but you can still see some of the original parts.

Modern tractor in very old barn

The farmhouse
On the roof of one of the more modern barn, Benoît has put 120 m2 of solar panels. During summer, he produces between 150 and 200 kWh per day.

120 m2 of solar panels on the roof of a barn
Inside this barn, there is a collection of BMW cars that belong to one of his friend that lives in Guadeloupe.

A collection of old BMWs
Look at this very interesting weather vane!

An old weather vane on one of the barns
On his farm, Benoît is able to store more than 1.000 tons of grain, mostly wheat.
This afternoon, a big semi has come to get delivery of 30 tons of wheat.

30 tons of wheat delivered
-- Vincent Celier
That is no kidding.
John deere is everywhere.
What the big truck in Europe has flat head compare to the one in USA ?
la vida del granjero es muy bonita a mi me encantaría poder tener una, su hermano se parece mucho a usted y su sobrino es muy emprendedor, lo felicito. Bendiciones para la familia, me gusto mucho el post.
I love that you keep your word. You said Soon today and here we are.:)
Lookimg forward to traveling this trip with you virtually.
Love. Love.
Nice! Safe travels my friend!
Te voila bien arrivé! 20 ans en Beauce dans ma jeunesse! où du côté de Chartes se situe-t-il? Je suis couillon, tu 'las écrit, je viens de vérifier! Nous Epernon! 20 km quoi.
Ouais, environ 25 km. Épernon, c'est prés de Rambouillet, ou j'ai vécu jusqu’à l'age de 7 ans.
Gallardon (Ymeray) pour être précis, et oui ça fait dans les 25 kilomètres!
This brings me good memories. When I was 12 I was part of an exchange with a school in St Sever, in Pays de Landes. My exchange partner's family ran a big poultry farm with 20 000 chickens. But they also had their own cows, pigs and geese for making fois gras. These pictures are a lot like their farm was too! They needed lots of grain to feed all the chickens, and corn to feed the geese. When they came to Canada they were surprised we ate corn on the cob, for them it was animal food lol They even had a big tractor like that one in the pictures, and they let me drive it! We all thought it was so cool almost everyone had BMW's but, the little ones were so common there. Thanks for sharing your story and bringing me back some good memories.
I would love to put solar panels on my house since I live in a region that has a lot of sunlight with few trees. But, we have to get permission to do so from the local electric company and they only allow so many people per year to get them installed. I don't necessarily agree with the electric company on this so I haven't pursued it further, honestly. It looks like your brother has a thriving farm and its so nice that you got to go visit. Have fun!
So glad to see you arrived safe and sound. It looks like a beautiful property your brother has there. Farmers are some of the hardest working people I have ever met. My in laws are farmers and the stories they tell are absolutely wonderful. It’s anazing to see and hear about the way things have changed over the years.
That is a very large farm. I like that he has utilized his roof for solar panels. That is a lot of energy that he produces. Does he use this solely for the farm or does he sell excess power? In some countries such as here, we can not sell the excess. We must use what we produce.
He sells all his solar panel electric production to EDF and buy his electricity for a lower rate. This is a very interesting situation; from what I understand, this will last for 20 years.
Ceci, you pop up all over the place!
I am a lady with many varied interests...
Wonderful story.. Xo
These pictures remind me of a farm I used to go during holidays with my brother when we were young ... We were delighted to share this life close to nature and animals ... Beautiful memories ! Thanks for these pictures ... 🙏
its great life story dear sir,,thanks for sharing your life experiences
You 2 look so Awesome in the first picture :)
Having a farm is such a great way to spend your life. Peace, freedom and rooster crowing :D. Indeed, you need to work hard for good results of managing your own farm, but it's really worth it.
I like the BMW collection!
I saw your good article well.
You went to see your brother in France.
I was amazed at the huge scale of the farm, and I personally envy the BMW collection.
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Have a good day ~ !!!
Such articles speak to me. It is my wish to have a farm of my own one day
Following you is worth tons of wheat. Here in the Philippines we use to eat rice but i remember when i was 6 or 7 years old my Mom cooked wheat but i don't know where did she got it. By the way I just wanna say you're a real traveler. Thanks for this great post.
I like to see how farmers in other countries live. I can't imagine having a barn as old as that! What kind of crops does your brother grow?
I look forward to adding solar panels to my home, probably not so many though!
Great post! I enjoyed reading about your brother's farm.
I like the post, I congratulate you, keep it that way.
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