shaumnya the pious people

in #story7 years ago (edited)

imageBefore Ramadan shaum is required, it turns out that the Prophet (s) had performed the shari of Ashura (10 Muharram) and obliged him to his Companions (HR Bukhari). Shaum Ashura is common practice of Moses and the Jews as a sign of freedom from the power of Pharaoh.

In fact, the early people used to carry out three-day shaums on a monthly basis (Ibn Kathir's commentary). This shows, shaum is a worship that has been practiced by the ancients.

With the obligation of Ramadan shaum for the Prophet (s) and his people, this mansukh (remove) all the shaum that has been done by the Prophet and his companions become shaum sunah (Tafsir Mahasinut Ta'wil).

The Shaum of the past is always associated with a sign of mourning, a sign of grief, or difficulty. While in Islam, shaum is a symbol of high-level discipline that has to do with physical, moral, and spiritual. It has nothing to do with the sign of distress and grief, but with the word "tattaqun" one who always keeps promise as the goal of the essence of shaum.

For pious people, shaum not only implements and fulfills its Shari'a. The pious people always seek the essence of shaum, like the words of the Prophet, "Whoever shaums in the month of Ramadan with the foundation of faith and wishes the reward, will be forgiven all his past sins." (Bukhari).

Therefore, the pious people always keep the values, such as not saying dirty and acting foolishly, as in the hadith of the Prophet SAW: "Shaum is a shield, do not say dirty and do not act stupid, if someone hit you or scold you, then say ' I'm shaum '. " (Bukhari).

The nature of shaum is cautious, that is to carry out all orders and prevent any restrictions. In addition, the piety that can and cultivate the nature of patience - accept everything that is inflicted upon him with sincerity, rideness, and steadfast, with the intention of expecting the pleasure of Allah solely.

In life, we often encounter a variety of circumstances; like sorrow, happy pain, relief, and disappointment come and go. Calm, restless-worry, healthy and sick, a smile and tears sometimes come and go. Many of us are pessimistic about this life, not even a few who get desperate and stressed out.

Shaum teaches Muslims to always be optimistic about life. Islam also teaches what is called "roja", which is hope to achieve a good future. For the pious, shaum is a sign of struggle and competition. With his knowledge, the pious people will be able to win worldly rivalries.

The Messenger of Allah declared in a simile how a Muslim should cultivate good to participate and compete in worldly coaching. "When the time comes for the end of the world, but in the hand of one of you is a seed of palm trees, while he still has a chance to plant before the end of the world, let him instill it, for which he receives the reward."