well... no "basilic" in the well ? even in the sugar bowl ? weird... mostly, the sugar attracts basilics. Did you find any wish drowned in the well ? for Snow White used to wish upon the well for the prince to come... it worked ! Anyway, if you found the wish for the charming prince to come, and don't use it, I'll be interested ! Many thanks Osmosis for this wonderful story !
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I didn't find the wish but I'll make sure to bring you any toads to kiss if I ever find one 😉 We have loads of toads in this region!
Thank you dear.Haha! Ca y est on a perdu @tiloupsa, elle est partit dans un délire de basilic loin sur une autre planète. Reviens, Tiloupsa revieeeeeens!
yerk, no thank you... I've been kissing all the toads around and not one of them turn out to be else than an ugly toad... above all, I've catch some pimples around my mouth and not a single sexy young or old prince in sight... anyway, if you find a basilic, I would try though ;-) who knows..... but.... if you find a good prince out of a basilic, you'll have to avoid his glance. How falling in love with someone you cannot stare at ? useless... bon ben laisse béton alors, pour le basilic, va ! :-D