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RE: My Personal Thoughts on "Suicide Squad"

in #story7 years ago

All I remember from suicide squad are what the characters look like, their personalities, a vague memory of what they said, and the main villain being what all if not most comic book movies are: big video game bosses with countless goons of mediocre strength fighting a tight-knit group of heroes who once hated each other who now getting along. I forgot the meaning of the story already and could only sit through it once. I give it a 4/10 as a movie. Certain facets of it deserve better: An 8/10 for costume design and a 6/10 for special effects (but these can't save a 4/10 movie IMO). Just my opinion. Thanks for the post.


Yeah, I hear ya, buddy. But doesn't the premise you describe sound a little like a certain other blockbuster title from the Marvel universe. Granted, some may say that those films were done better. But the story is generally the same. I feel a lot of the "hate" thrown DC's way is because of a lack of time for character development. But nonetheless, interesting points of view, man. Thank you... :)