G'day Steemians, here are some ground rules to ensure safe play
What to post
In the comments, write 1 sentence or attach 1 piece of media (a picture, tune, video etc) that builds upon the existing story. We want the character to be fleshed out, we want action, and we want conversation. Note that our editors reserve the right to make edits (grammar, punctuation etc) to uphold integrity of the story.Upvoting
Upvote your favorite line or media to be added to the story. Check that it FITS logically! At 1pm and 1am (GMT+8) each day, the sentence or media MOST UPVOTED gets added to the story and the author will be duly credited. As and when we get more contributions, we will increase the frequency of additions.Live your fantasies
One of the premises of Steemit is anonymity. Unleash your deepest, darkest desires. Noone’s judging. We’re all here to be entertained.No racism, hate-ism nor trollism
We are lovers not haters. All posts should embrace diversity and spread love and positivity! If you are a troll, kindly go hang out with your friends here http://www.dreamworks.com/trolls/, there ain’t no love for trolls on our pageOriginality
Plagarism is for the weak. Bring your Ctrl-C-Ctrl-V tendencies someplace else. Abide by the Steemit guidelines.Funds
If you enjoy this story, please consider to donate or contribute to our very skinny wallet! Right now it has just $1.77 from the sign up. Funds will go towards editing content as well as allowing us to pass on gratuity to contributing authors.