Trump is following me. an X-American

in #story7 years ago

OK. Not me personally but he is getting mighty close. Let me explain.

I left America to get away from the Trump policies that are taking America into decline. I returned to Germany the place of my birth and original citizenship in May of this year. My goal is to regain my German citizenship after having lived in Seattle and and a bit of time in Hollywood for the past 48 years. Here’s a little background.

I was born a German citizen and then became a naturalized American when my father, an American, married my mother 2 years later. I lived the majority of my first 18 years in various parts of Germany and Vicenza Italy. I returned to America in 1967 at the age of 17. I’ll have more detail about that experience in a future post. We settled in Seattle, my father's home state.

My father was a great American liberal patriot and I became one too. Seattle was a great place to grow up with what it’s become; a liberal, entrepreneurial center of the world. I never returned to Germany during these years in America but I kept close tabs on what it also was becoming.

I was very proud when America elected its first black president; President Obama. I thought it was truly beginning to evolve out of what I perceived as a ‘wild west mentality’. It now had, espresso, decent beer and a large circle of intellectualism that I missed about Germany.

Then came the 2016 election. I really didn’t like Hillary Clinton but I was sure America had a great chance to evolve to the next phase with Bernie Sanders; to a Social Democracy; then came Donald Trump. I saw his rise as the last gasp of the American racist, evangelical hillbilly mentality; which I experienced in my first years, in America, while living in North Carolina for 6 months. I was wrong unfortunately Donald Trump won the election. I realized that I had been sheltered in my thinking that all of America was advancing. I was forced to decide where I wanted to spend the balance of my life.

I decided to return to my birthplace Germany. During my last five years in America I got into staying in Hostels and meeting many foreigners once again. I stayed at the Green Tortoise in Seattle. It was there I first met my good friend @luzcypher along with my current generous German hosts Eli Strümper, her father Harry and her brother Sören. So I am now living peacefully, away from the Trump debacle in America, in a small village outside of Hamburg Germany.

my kitchenwindow at Harry's.jpg

I miss my good friends in America but through the power of the internet we will never be far apart, virtually and with Steemit I can now share my experiences with many of you. .

Now Trump is coming to Hamburg to invade my space once again! I will be following these events closely and feel very confident that my new leader Angela Merkel will keep him in his place.


Please don't use tag #deutsch if your post is written in english.

OK. Ich verstehe. Also geht #deutschland nicht fure Menschen, die in Deutschland leben? Warum hast du deinen Kommentar auf Englisch geschrieben?

Wir versuchen #deutsch für Posts in deutscher Sprache zu reservieren. Klar hat Dein Post einen Bezug zu Deutschland, aber er ist halt in Englisch geschrieben. Du kannst auch gerne #deutschland oder #germany verwenden.

Und ich schreibe meine Antwort in Englisch, weil wir viele Trittbrettfahrer haben, die alles mögliche in Englisch posten (ohne Bezug zu Deutschland oder der deutschen Sprache), um Votes der Bots (automatische Voting-Programm) abzugreifen, die alles in #deutsch voten.

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Ok. Thanks for the info. I will use #deutschland and #germany from now on as the majority of my writing will be in english. I'm still a little befuddled as to why there has to be a tag only for stuff written in German. Why is there not a tag then for each language that someone writes in?