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RE: The Software Piracy Chronicles of Slobberchops (The THG Years) – Part Fifteen

in #story5 years ago (edited)

The Toyman did put The Elusive Dream on Telnet for a while, I noticed when emigrated to the US. I did a little local trading for the while between The Final Frontier and another BBS but lost interest shortly after.

I delegated 10SP to your account else you may run out of Resource Credits and can't reply to messages etc..


Still need to figure out steemit :)

The Elusive Dream was also a legendary BBS :) When Hoppermania ran the House of God / Razor 1911 EHQ I stopped by a few times to fill up some tapes with stuff and got to see him call the Elusive Dream, it was a really cool experience!

Still need to figure out steemit :)

That depends on what you want to do here. There is the potential to earn STEEM (which has a tangible value) but the community is very guarded about the reward pool.

If you just want to comment on my Piracy blogs, then you already know what to do. If you want to write yourself.. then let me know. I can give you some guidelines.