37% of people like trump? Who are these people? Didn't these people ever go to school?
Not only is he a lying and cheating husband he is our worst president ever and is a puppet for the russians! The russians have ALWAYS been our enemy. Why is it suddenly okay that they are running our country? All this is just because Obama was Black? Do the so called christians really hate Black people that bad?
I don't understand why so called christians have so much hate for a family man just because he is Black, but have so much love for the cheating orangutan only because he isn't Black.
I knew prejudice was around when I was a kid but I for whatever stupid reason I thought it was kind of over. trump sure brought the racists out of the woodwork!
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I'm very inspired by your work, I always thought you had to be a talented, original author or photographer to make money on this platform but I see that is not the case. Thank you!
So, I completely agree that Trump is a terrible president and is causing serious damage to our nation.
On the other hand please to not dismiss the people that support and voted for him as worthless and stupid people. There is a reason they voted for him and to them it is a very legitimate reason.
These people have been very negatively affected by globalization and the current trend of the economy. Imagine if you all of a sudden lost your job for no fault of your own and only because it is a little cheaper to have people in China do the same job. You would feel terrible and defeated.
Maybe if you think about it in this frame you may start to understand why they may have voted for Trump and his message. While I believe that he lied to the US voters and has no actual interest in helping the average american live a better life, that was just his propoganda.
It is much more effective to talk about what better policies are and when Trump is not fulfilling the promises he made instead of looking down on those in a hard spot who voted for a new beginning.
Ha! You don't like Trump, that's certain
I'm not American, so my opinion isn't valid, I was actually expecting a more constructive criticism but it was disappointed, more like a news taken from both ends.
However, great stuff. I love your stance and point of view, we can only hope conditions get better over there.
Even 37% being okay with this shitshow is nuts. How bad does Trump have to be before people abandon him? I'm fully suspecting that he could stage an outright coup, and start a protracted, devestating civil war, and he would still have 20-40% of the nation on his side. Look at any crazy dictatorship or civil war. You'd think the leaders would have 0% support, but, nope, they always have 10, 20, 30% on their side and often fanatically so. @sarahlouise