The Alchemist
One day a shopkeeper sent his son to learn about the secret of Happiness from the wisest man in the world. So the boy wandered through the desert and found a castle on top of a mountain where the wise man lived. Inside the castle, there was sort of a party. There was an orchestra playing music and people having conversations, having fun and a table with the best food from that part of the world. The wise man spoke to everyone and the boy had to wait 2 hours before asking his question, so the young boy finally got to ask his question. The wise man carefully listened and pay attention to the boy and said "At this time I cannot give you all the details of the secret of happiness. Why you don't look around my castle and come back in 2 hours. But at the same time, I would like you to take this spoon." The wise man put two drops of oil into the spoon and gave it to the young boy and said "But as you're looking around. Can you please take care of these drops of oil on the spoon." So the boy explored the castle went up the stairs and his eyes only fixated on the spoon and in 2 hours he came to the wise man. The wise man asked "Did you get to see the beautiful works of art? Did you get to see the beautiful flowers in my garden?" The boy was embarrassed because he saw nothing. He cared only for the oil on the spoon. So the wise man told him "Well go back! and observe the beauty in my home." So the boy went back and explored and he saw all of the beautiful art on the walls and he got to see the garden and all of the beautiful mountains surrounding him. He returned to the wise man and told him about all the things that he had seen and the wise man asked. "But where are the drops of oil in the spoon?" The boy looked down and saw that they were gone. The wise man then said "There is only one piece of advice I can give you about the secret to happiness. We must see all the beautiful things in the world and also never forget about the drops of oil in the spoon.
Sometimes when we really focuses on our goals and what we want to get accomplished, sometimes we forget to stop and smell the roses. We forget to enjoy the journey more than just focusing on the destination and that is the drops of oil in the spoon. It may be our responsibilities or our goals and ambitions and sometimes we focus too much and we forget to see the beautiful art work or the beautiful scenery surrounding us or the beautiful people surrounding us. On the other hand, sometimes we enjoy the scenery so much, we enjoy the company of other people so much that we forget about the drops of oil in the spoon, we forget about our responsibilities and our goals and things that we have to take care of.
This story is a reminder for us to keep balance, so if you're focusing too much on your drops of oil and not giving yourself time to relax and enjoy life, maybe we can adjust. But if you're somebody that only focuses on the beautiful things in life, only focuses on the beautiful things in life and not your responsibilities or your goals, maybe we can adjust that too.
I wish you all the best. Thank you for stopping by my post, support and comment. @rosethiyada
thank you for sharing @rosethiyada, the story is very impressive, @jhoni have read everything.
Thank you friend.
Very informative @rosethiyada
Thank you friend.
You are welcome
Such a wise story my friend.
Thank you dear. ^_^ I love to learn from stories and I also love to share.
Fun fact - this picture is taken 1,5 hours from my house :D
Great! I would like to visit Stavange again. Nice place.
looks like a place i have been to ;)
Thank you