Pet Sematary (A horror novel)

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Pet Sematary is a horror novel written by Stephen King and it was my first experience of reading horror novel. I was never interested in a horror novel but one of my friend suggested it me to read.
The book was good and was scary too. I liked the main story of the book.
I have written a little summary of the book .

The main character of the novel is Louis Creed his wife Rachel, daughter Ellie, son Gage and cat Church. Louis Creed recently moves to Ludlow as he is appointed director of the University's campus health service. Since the day Louis moves in to Ludlow his family start running into problem. At first day of their arrival in the house of Ludlow his son gets stung by bee, his daughter gets hurt in the knee and he doesn't find his key of the house. As Louis gets frustrated due to his missing key and long journey his new neighbor Jud Crandall comes in for help. Jud Crandall offers to give them the key he had but then Louis find his own key and they move in to their new house. Louis becomes friend with Jud and they bond immediately. Thing were being normal as they were adjusting in their new house and everybody were happy. Jud then takes them to Pet Sematary where people buried their pet. When Ellie sees the cemetery of the pets she becomes upset as she doesn't wants to loose her beloved pet Church so Rachel decides never to come to this cemetery as this hurt her child Ellie so much.
It was the first day of Louis on the university when one of the university's student Victor Pascow dies in the hand of Louis and Pascow leaves his dying word to Louis saying him to never cross the line of the Pet cemetery. Pascow calls Louis by his name even if they complete strangers. Louis remains stunned and that night in his dream he again sees Pascow taking him to Pet cemetery and warning him to never cross the pet cemetery. Louis is horrified when he wakes up but after months of the incident he becomes normal.
On thanks giving day Rachel decides to go to her parents with Gage and Ellie leaving Church (Ellie's cat) and Louis alone at the home. Louis was sitting normally in the home when Jud comes on hurriedly and announces the death of Christ. This make Louis very shocked but Jud suggests him to pack the cat in a bag and then takes in beyond pet cemetery and makes him to burrow the cat. Louis does as ordered by Jud and leaves home. Then he thinks excuse to make to his daughter about Church. But church returns next morning which makes Louis fully socked. Then he hurries to Jud and ask what is happening but Jud replies that it is the miracle of the place where he buried Christ.
After that Rachel comes along and all of them start living normal life again. Louis was a bit concerned about Christ but he gradually becomes happy for his daughter.
There is a change in story's plot when suddenly Gage dies by truck accident which shakes the whole family. After 5 days of Gage death and burial Louis decides to bury Gage in the same place where he had buried Christ in the hope that he will get his son back. Jud warns Louis but louis sends his wife and daughter to her parents and then executes the plan of taking out gage and burying Gage in miracle ground. He executes his plans successfully takes out Gage from the cemetery and buries him again in the pet cemetery. Rachel starts doubting her husband weird behavior. Ellie starts dreaming about Victor Pascow and tells Rachel about her dream. Rachel also get scared and decides to go back to Louis but she couldn’t make it on time. She feels like something is stopping her to reach to her husband. She phones Jud and tell him to give an explanation of what is happening. Jud promises Rachel to tell everything when she is back. Louis also returns back home hoping that his son will be back. At morning when Jud eyes open he goes to kitchen to prepare breakfast when Rachel's father call him and asks him about Rachel. Louis becomes socked to know that Rachel is back and sees a car in the house of Jud. He hurries up to Jud's house where he sees Jud's and his wife dead body in the floor. Gage had returned as monster and he had killed both Jud and Rachel. The monster Gage also tries to kill Louis but instead Louis kills both Church and Gage. He then sets Jud's house on fire carries Rachel to pet cemetery and burries her down there again because he knew that Gage had returned as monster because he had done too late to bury Gage in the pet cemetery. The day after Louis buried Rachel she comes back and calls Louis as "Darling" and this is the end of the story.

The story line was very good and the novel is scary too in some points. Overall the book was pretty nice and I would recommend all of you to read it too 😊