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RE: My First Out of Body Experience and How I Did It - True Story

in #story7 years ago

I no longer believe in the supernatural, but I used to, and I tried on several occasions to have an out of body experience, although not on quite the level that you did, and I was never successful. Sounds like you had quite the intense experience, regardless of the source of it (your own mind vs. the supernatural realm that is). In a way I envy you. I used to know people that had frequent dreams about religious figures and passed loved ones, but I never did, and I longed for them. Even the dreams I did have that resembled theirs (like ones with passed loved ones) didn't feel real to me. They just felt like dreams. To try to get in touch with this part of me, I started messing with the out of body experiences, attempts at telekinesis, along with an attempt at lucid dreaming and never had any success with any of them.

Thinking back really far I do remember having a sublime meditative experience of flying when I was a child. I would lay awake at night and envision nothing but empty blue sky. The blue sky would turn eventually into something that resembled static snow on a television screen, but I also remember being able tofeel it and it was warm and fuzzy. It also would feel like I was flying right before it went to the static. That was the extent of it though, nothing more came of it.

More recently I've had a lot of success with vipassana (thought watching) meditation. I find that it makes the fluttering thoughts go away systematically, and the things in my subconscious that I was formerly unaware of tend to bubble to the surface. They don't nag at the back of my mind any more because I'm aware of and can address them. It's been very helpful in overcoming formerly inexplicable hangups I always used to have. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for sharing. I think we have similar thought process, for something to be true for me, i need either logical proof, or it must be part of my own personal experience. Since logical proofs seem impossible when it comes to the supernatural, i sought personal experience to supplement. I think if you stick with it and remain open to it you will have success eventually if you continue to pursue it. I find these videos to be a helpful resource: cheers!

Thank you for sharing. I think we have similar thought process, for something to be true for me, i need either logical proof, or it must be part of my own personal experience. Since logical proofs seem impossible when it comes to the supernatural, i sought personal experience to supplement. I think if you stick with it and remain open to it you will have success eventually if you continue to pursue it. I find these videos to be a helpful resource:
