Chapter 2 The Artist Formerly Known As H5W
I head into the tunnel following the old train tracks. The terrain is rough here my only options are medium size pointy rocks or good old fashion mud. Halfway into the tunnel and I'm surrounded by graffiti. Some real cool pieces some new and some old.
My personal favorite
I Feel Like I'm Being Followed
After admiring the artwork for awhile I headed out the tunnel and back into the wilderness. For some reason I start to feel a bit uneasy and I can't shake the feeling that I'm being watched.
Well at least I know that I can't get shot by accident. I keep walking and I find this strange plant it looks kind of like a giant variety of lettuce.
And what would you know right behind the alien lettuce there's a house tucked neatly into the background. Can you see it?
Want to find out what happens next? upvote, re-steem and follow @ralsky for more updates.
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Great grafiti and I'm on to post chapter 3 now :D
Thanks for reading part 3 the conclusion will be posted tomorrow.