Vegasexuales: if you eat meat you do not have sex

in #story7 years ago


Red meat is very protein and, many will think, ideal for sex for its energy contribution, also concludes Lent, a Christian tradition characterized by fasting and abstinence of meat in food. However, for some it is always Lent and kissing someone who eats animals is like licking a used ashtray.
It is obvious that eating properly affects an effective sexual relationship. It is not the same to go straight to the subject after having squeezed a stew that after a light dinner with oysters, to whet your appetite. The carnal, of course .
But not everything revolves around digestion and desire ... Because sometimes, depending on what you eat you will have sex or not. And with vegasexuales, if you eat animals, do not fuck.
And period. For people who identify with this sexual current, if you consume products of animal origin, the chances of a cordial approach going to more are equal to zero.
The first to coin this term was the professor of the University of Canterbury (Australia) Annie Potts , who already identified a tendency among vegetarians to avoid sexual contact with omnivores in 2006. That year her department conducted a survey of behavior between the collective against New Zealand animal mistreatment. The majority of the participants assured their discomfort or refusal to have passionate approaches with people who consumed products of animal origin.
"I can not think of kissing lips that let dead animals into their mouths," said one of the respondents, a 49-year-old vegan. "We are what we eat and, therefore, it costs me with bodily fluids, especially in terms of sex," explained another 34-year-old vegan. "I would not like to be intimate with someone whose body is made from the bodies of others who have died for their livelihood," remarked another woman interviewed, who came up with the fundamentals: "Non-vegetarian bodies smell different ... Although I would find it really attractive, I would not go near it. It is my personal form of ethical sexuality ».
Therein lies the key: it is a choice based on a certain way of understanding the world. After all, veganism is based on the fight against "speciesism" : to believe that man, as a human being, is superior to the rest of the animals that populate the planet. And a person who thinks this way can not maintain a relationship with someone who sees cows as potential burgers.
Potts, in a 2010 paper, even claims that there is a "spectrum" within vegasxuality. Thus, at one extreme are vegetarians who may feel more sexual attraction towards those who do not consume animal products. On the other side, those who understand sexuality as a physical aversion to those who feed on animals.
In recent years, Potts acknowledges, veganism has become fashionable and has managed to become a sexy practice. That is, it has a component of cultural attraction that makes more and more people join the vegan trend. And more people who change their consumption habits, less population willing to have sex with those who eat animal products.
Potts even goes further and recognizes a certain link between a dominant Western male heterosexuality related to the act of eating meat that feels attacked by alternative sexualities such as vegasexuality. And all thanks to a study of reactionary comments from men "meat eaters" in the newspapers and the media that spread the news after the first survey.
Therefore, whether or not you are a vegan, whether you eat animal products or not, or you like them or not who eat meat and fish ... Eating more fruit and vegetables will benefit your sex life . To give an example, the seminal fluid is composed mostly of fructose, which comes mainly from ... Bingo!

(photos are collected)