Part 2 Of How I Broke My Neck

in #story7 years ago

My family begged the board members of the hospital for a second chance, and upon a second review they accepted to take my case.

Now going from one hospital to another when you're on life suppourt isn't any easy task. And I probably wouldn't have been able to do it a few years prior if it weren't for this machine that was invented called the Ekmo machince. You're probably wondering what the heck is an ekmo machine. Well its a machine that pumps both your heart and your lungs. They usually use it when doing heart or lung transplants. But for it to get to your heart and lungs they need to insert two tubes the size of a hose into your neck. Thank God I wasnt awake for that!!

At this time I'm in Columbia Presbyterian and I'm sort of waking up. Kind of in and out of it. I'm still nit in the clear though. I had another couple close calls while I was here. One point my body temperature rose to 112 degrees!!! Some of the Dr's said that was the highest temperature they ever saw.

They had to fill my bed up with ice bags and put cold water in my IV bag to try and get my temperature to come down. After this incident things started to seem to be more on the up and up. I was more awake and alert, and got to have some friends and family visit. But probably the worst part was because I was still on a ventilator machine. I wasnt able to eat or drink.. for 9 months!!! I had to get all my nutriton from ivs and feeding tubes. And because that nurse flooded my lungs i was having mager lung problems. So the put chest tubes in. Whats a chest tube you aske. Basically its where they take a medal tube probably a little smallersmallest than a dime and insert it inbetween your ribs and into your lung to drain the fluids. And yes I was awake for it!!
I had around four of them all together. Despite all this there was a kinda funny moment looking back. Yes even in shear peril you can manage to find something funny. But like I said I couldn't eat or drink for nine months so I was desperate for hydration. They would give me this lemon flavored sponge things to put in my mouth but they were awful i couldn't stand them! So what I did was, I would asked for a ice bag for my head(they didnt use reusable icepacks because it was the ICE telling them that it made my head feel better and after they left the room I would shake the bag to my side and bite open the bag and drink the melted ice. I actually got caught once so they started monitoring my ice privileges. Lol But luckily enough I had one Guardian Angel who looked out for me more than anyone else and she would sneak me a sip of water once in a while. I truly wish I remembered her name, it was either Ana or Angela, she looked out for me more than anyone else on that floor, her and my nurse.

I was finally being discharged from the ICU and down to a normal nursing floor. I wasn't even down there for two weeks.. -_- While I was down there the nurses didnt make sure they were releaving the pressure from my back side, and I ended up with a stage four pressure wound on my cocyx. In other words I had a giant hole in my lower back right above my butt the size of a basball that you could see nothung but bone. So needless to say back to the ICU I went.

Part 3 will be a lil while but I'll try to get it out soon. And remember please donate some Steem or Bitcoin or you can go to my go fund me, Still haven't a single donation there.. so youvcan be the first! Lol
