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RE: A Geek in Prison - A Life Series by Charlie Shrem (Part 4 - Getting Sick, Sober, & Healthy with Yoga)

in #story9 years ago (edited)

Oh yay, Part 4! .. was on the edge of my seat waiting for this one!

How long did your entire legal "issue" last, including time in jail? LESS THAN 2 YEARS!? Some of that time was spent at home being electronically monitored, right!?

$ 20 000+ in 3 weeks .. so sick of this wannabe-martyr, Yoga + Fruit Cups BS!


No need to hate, just don't read it. My guess is government troll!

Good for you Charlie! Makes me happy to see your posts doing good day, after day! You deserve it...

You're like one of those dickheads that complains about swearing on the telly... Have the tiniest bit of agency in your own life and go find something that doesn't make you cry like a cunt.

Would you spend a year in jail for 20K? How about 100K? I wouldn't.