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RE: A Geek in Prison - A Life Series by Charlie Shrem (Part 1 - Sentencing to Surrender)

in #story9 years ago (edited)

Yo Chuck! How many parts to this one? 6? 10? Genius! Listen, we know you are a believer, and you took a lot of damage for the community .. someone had to be put through the state meatgrinder at the beginning of the revolution, and you were it ..or one of a few. Much respect for persevering and coming out the otherside still able to smile and young enough to rebuild.


To keep it entirely real you have to mention that you saw stacks n stacks of dollah dollah bills when you first realized there was money in crypto. Do not be too much the angelic martyr be believable tell it real ..including the illicit shit .. I know if I were you I would have been ass deep in hoes and empty Crystahl bottles (see! I'm so poor I don't even know how to spell it!) ..making random phone calls with a serious case of cotton-mouth, trying to find a way into the arms trade!



Next post, Prison Day 1.

He spent 13 months in prison.

So, hopefully :

13*30.42 =395.46

hehe. I hope so.


Hopefully we won't get Mr. Shrem into further trouble post release by invoking son of Sam. But seriously, I think he now needs to pursue expungement and put this episode behind. Great story telling, however.