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RE: Tales and Legends from Lower Brittany: The Man with the Two Dogs, Part 2.

in #storylast year

This exchange between Jean and the hunter betraying his beloved white lamb for two dogs and a rifle adds an extra turn to tale. Jean’s initial reticence influenced by the emotional bond is relegated to a practical concession on his part after he sees that dogs and rifle would come in handy for him. Brise- Fer and Sans Pareil show their mettle, by snatching partridges even captivating the initially discontented cook. Such a sequence of events demonstrates the challenges associated with making decisions, emotion versus reason. You have given the appeal of these folk rhymes and made them palatable to a larger audience, through your translations. Second, the crocheted bag made by Kati is a wonderful work of art that attests to her ability and effort. Thanks for letting us enjoy these fascinating stories and the art work of your wife!