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RE: New Story - With new ideas and directions to hand. I'm writing this and posting it straight onto Steemit - You can not get more exclusive than that! 19

in #story8 years ago

Funny and explosive. This story did not skip a beat. How can someone miss a rat though. This is just crazy. I know that I would be suffocating. I am j=interested in finding out how you prepare for writing. I have just been introduced to your stuff and it is quite impressive. I struggle to write write short pieces. Any pointers? Again tho. Great stuff.


Hey @nicholas1983, thanks for your comments.

I've been writing for more than twenty years and the practice is certainly paying off now ;)

I don't 'prepare' as such, I'm one of those fortunate people that can sit at my computer and tap away at the keys, just pulling thoughts from my head... when I look up, there's a reasonably coherent story on the screen...

I'll have to have a think about how I can help people with their own writing - keep an eye out for it :)