Very varied and complete your post today, Eric! Here in Venezuela we have fallen back into extreme quarantine. As for our economy: Is there a lower scale of the abyss to be able to talk about the Venezuelan economy? I don't think so. I hope that things in the crypto market stay positive and that all the ideas regarding your new book, flow. I understand about the title, because it's like naming a child. So take your time. I'm sure that name will come up and inspire you. Nice weekend for you, too! ;)
I'm going to start doing a post like this on Saturday's to recap the week, I think. It was kind of fun just to ramble, a little mix of good (the new book) and bad (covid). I'm really sorry for what you guys are going through there. I don't think Americans would deal with it quite as well as your people have. Are people using crypto over there for daily purchases? I see a story in the news from time to time about the how Venezuelans are using Bitcoin and other cryptos to circumvent the fiat financial system. Yes, picking the title has to be a natural flow and feel right. It'll strike me like lightening when the time is right. Have a wonderful Sunday!