It's My First Day Back In School And I Can't Stop STEEMing!

in #story7 years ago


Hey guys! Remember how I told you I was gonna share my daily experience with you? Here I am!

Anyone ever had to count down to a special/particular day?

I had 21st of May on my mind for resumption. Nothing really excites me about resuming. Hey chill, don't call me lazy or unserious just yet.

Who feels good going to study somewhere in Nigeria where life barely exist? Okay, again don't throw stones yet. When I say "barely exist" I mean a rural area, more like a jungle or a village.

Why did I choose the school when its location is nothing to write home about?

Well, I don't have an answer to that. My quest to study law would have me study it even in a hole. Lol.

So why the complaints?

Ain't we humans just like that? 👅

But seriously, regardless of all my complaints, I was a little eager to resume. Yeah, call me indecisive. I so wanted to leave home... I longed for my freedom.

Freedom to wake up whenever I wish and not have my mom wake me up around 4am just to make breakfast cos she has to resume work very early ( I know I owe her that much too but hey I barely even catch up to 6hours of sleep before the wake). Pouts so now by default I wake up so early.

Then yes freedom to cook whenever I feel like, eat whenever I want to, go out whenever I feel like and also use my phone as i like.

If you have a Nigerian mom like mine then you'd understand what I am talking about.

She has so many rules about using phone like

"you must not use your phone in the kitchen".

"You must not use your phone while it's charging."

"You must not use your phone when she is driving and you're riding shotgun".

Ugh! Gosh! More like the ten commandments yeah? I agree.

Other than freedom, home is where I want to be.

So the D-day was today and as usual being a full house with dad and my kid sisters around, I woke up early. Had my quiet time and got my chores done and boom I was ready to head to the park.

I was almost stepping into the car when my sandal cut. Oops! I had to change. I didn't even read any meaning to it till the next one I wore suffered the same fate.

As a typical Yoruba girl I thought that was a bad omen but I discarded it after saying a prayer. And as God would have it, my journey was stress free. In fact, it was the best I have had in years.

All things worked out well for my good and I reprimanded myself for almost welcoming evil thought.

Who knew if I had dwelt much on that, something bad could have happened but yet I channelled my thoughts towards positivism. You should always do likewise too whenever you find yourself in situations that are not pleasant.

Whew! If you read my introductory post then you'd remember at a point I talked about how chatty I could get. Yeah. I am not sorry for that.

I can be quiet if I want but hey I feel relaxed and at home here so I'm just gonna let it all out after all that is what I am here for. I am steaming it all out.


Should prolly just leave whatever happened when I got to school for some other time yet? Keep your fingers crossed.

I ♥️you all. Muah.

Image Credit - ME!
The clouds were so beautiful in school today.


HAHA. Gotta love moms. Enjoy your time at school and use your "freedom" wisely!

Mothers are irreplaceable. I definitely would. Thanks

hahahaaha....big ups to all the Iyas , nice post @fisteganos bae

Thanks love

Most welcome.....