A painting that tells about a reality.

in #story7 years ago (edited)


One of the paintings by the legendary maestro painter Basuki Abdullah entitled "Jaka Tarub" is a famous painting, has high artistic value and folklore, behind this painting there are stories and stories about jaka tarub and seven angels are very famous, where the story is legendary from the story of comics, drama to film ever take the story of jaka tarub and seven nymphs as its theme. Maestro artist Basuki Abdullah has the idea and imagination high in depicting and painting it on canvas, until this painting became famous, many painters- the painter who later reproduces this painting (repro), despite repro painting, many painting lovers collect it. Legend of Jaka Tarub is one of the folklore enshrined in the popular script of New Javanese Literature, Babad Tanah Jawi. This story revolves around the life of the main character which is named Jaka Tarub ("pemudadari Tarub"). As an adult he was named Ki Ageng Tarub. Ki Ageng Tarub is a figure who is considered an ancestor of the Mataram dynasty, a dynasty that dominated the politics of the land of Java - partly or entirely - since the 17th century until now. According to community sources in Widodaren village, Gerih, Ngawi, this incident occurred in the village. As evidence local people believe because there is petilasan tomb Jaka Tarub in the village. The average of the elderly local people know the story of Jaka Tarub with 7 angels. Widodaren village name was trusted by the local community derived from the word widodari which means in the Indonesian language is an angel. In this village there is also a sendang which supposedly used to be where the angels bathe and Jaka Tarub took the shawl of one nymph. Jaka Tarub is a handsome young man who has a miracle. He often went out into the forest to hunt in the sacred mountain area. On the mountain there is a lake. Unintentionally, he saw and then watched the seven nymphs bathing in the lake. Because captivated, Jaka Tarub took a scarf that was attached to belong to one of the angels. When the angels finished bathing, they were dressed up and ready to return to the heaven. One of the angels, having not found the shawl, was unable to return and was eventually left by his friends because it was already dusk. Jaka Tarub then appeared and pretended to help. An angel named Nawangwulan was willing to go home to Jaka Tarub because it was already twilight. Short story, both then married. From this marriage was born a daughter named Nawangsih. Before marriage, Nawangwulan reminded Jaka Tarub to never ask his secret habits later after becoming a wife. The secret is that Nawangwulan always cook rice using only a grain of rice in rice cooker but produces a lot of rice. Jaka Tarub is curious not to ask but immediately open the lid of rice cooker. As a result of this action, magic Nawangwulan lost. Since then he was cooking rice like most common women.As a result, the supply of grain in the barn quickly run out. When the supply of grain stayed a little, Nawangwulan found the shawl, which her husband hid in the barn. An angry Nawangwulan finds out that her husband who has stolen the object threatens to leave Jaka Tarub. Jaka Tarub begs his wife not to return to heaven. But Nawangwulan's determination was unanimous. However, at certain times he was willing to come to marcapada to breastfeed baby Nawangsih.Jaka Tarub then became a village leader titled Ki Ageng Tarub, and friends with Brawijaya king Majapahit. On one day Brawijaya sent kyai Mahesa Nular heirloom to be treated by Ki Ageng Tarub. The Brawijaya envoy who delivered the kris was Ki Buyut Masahar and Bondan Kejawan, his adopted son. Ki Ageng Tarub knows that Bondan Kejawan is actually the real son of Brawijaya. So, the young man was asked to live together in the village Tarub.Sejak then Bondan Kejawan become adopted son Ki Ageng Tarub, and renamed to Oxen Peteng. When Nawangsih grew up, both pundinikahkan.Setelah Jaka Tarub died, Ox aka Bengan Petengan alias replace it as new Ki Ageng Tarub. Nawangsih itself gave birth to a son, who as an adult named Ki Getas Pandawa.Ki Ageng Getas Pandawa then has a son titled Ki Ageng Sela, who is a great-grandfather PanembahanSenapati, the founder of the Sultanate of Mataram.