An old Story

in #story6 years ago

A promising story I found on my Facebook from 2012. I'm pretty sure the words I used were once real words, but they seem to have been removed from existence. Enjoy!

The gumptuous balloon-headed necrocrat suffered curdaciously at the very sight of his beloafed cousin, peripticiously balancing his knives atop knives atop large, knife like cutlery. The clown had fish up his sleeve! His predictable performance was obviously going to utilise these cuttleryfish in some bombastic agregacial attempt of preparing his meal as he performed.

It was a hard and merciless life the necrocrat lived, in a society full of executed villains, thieves, murderers, disagreers, agreers and all manners of tarkons. But one must sustain the manner of authority necessary in all societies, so he had no choice in his pathetic enclave but to enslave his own family for his own amusement.

The fish went flying as expected, and the knives came tumbling in an ogregarious fashion. With a quick slash here and a slice there, a splice over yonder and a splash of thunder, the meal was prepared right in front of the necrocrat's eyes. Unfortunately, his eye's were placed in a jar full of honey the other side of the room, and subsequenticially he could neither see, smell or eat the delicious Foddagery.

Off with his head! thought he. There wasn't much point in saying it out loud since everyone else was dead, so he blindly reached out for the nearest sharp object - which was never far away - and started quietly hacking in the direction of his clownish offender.

Unfortuntaely, his cousin died several years ago. He awoke. ANDY!!!!


Some parts sounds Shakespearean :)
That looks like the beginning of an interesting story. Did you get to finish it?

I think this was the end... I don't even know tbh

Some words spoil my mood because they seem to test my vocabulary rather than entertaining as a part of story .

Oh yeah the 'story' is complete garbage lol, barely makes any sense even for me. I think that was the point when I wrote it... I was mocking somebody who was trying to show off their vocabulary constantly

Haha....sounds funny.

Foddagery hahah what skullduggery! Great weird story. Says a lot about your brain heh :D

ogregarious foddagery ... ponderindex.jpeg
almost sounds like something two A.I.'s talking would come up with :D