in #story8 years ago


I dreamed I fed you meat. I rolled a piece of smoked ham into a little ball and gently put it in your mouth, feeling your hot breath, your tongue slightly licking my fingers. Kinda gross really. You had an open wound underneath your right eye, like a true warrior. It was a burn, so sensitive and salty. I wanted you to eat my fingers as well. I liked feeding you after a battle. You are all flesh and blood. You said I was too young, and I knew you weren't going to fuck me. But we danced and touched and laughed and you have beautiful lips and you knew I wanted you and you kept bringing me wine. But you weren't gonna fuck me. Never mind. I will stalk you on FB and rub my clit from time to time, thinking of your bald head and blue eyes. Is this goodbye forever, you asked me. No, I said, you should come visit my mountains. Come. We hugged for what seemed like forever, I felt you real nice. I pressed up against you and licked your neck. You kissed me, it was gentle and wet. I am leaving so it was now OK. It is OK, really. It was never more OK to be in love with someone for 4 days.


There is a rumor around town that I am here already and you will come soon, you sent me, around 11 AM. I was in the bus, somewhere in the deep north. I wanted to send you this same message for days, ever since I realized we will see each other again. And that first meeting. I hoped you wouldn't be home when I arrived, so I could wash my hair and smell nice when we see each other. We were so confused, weren't we? This mess of hugs and happy new years and your crazy beautiful wild daughter. The way you looked at me, like you see me for the first time. I hoped you could see in my eyes how much I missed you and thought about you in this year and a half since we last saw each other. Goddamn, I'll be here only for two days, I hope we get to spend some time together. It is only now that I have seen you that I realized how much I've changed since the last time. It was all this flow since then, running around, trying to live a good life. And then I saw you and the time stopped. This is when the time ends. Something has ended, the change hit me. I don't want you anymore. I had this memory of you, of the time we spent together, and I held it dearly, I lit a fire under it almost every night last winter. And now again you are real and everything has changed. I don't even know how to explain this feeling, to be honest. But I am excited to make new memories, even if we have only a few windy days.


We were in the bus for the last 26 hours. Our bus broke somewhere in the hills, and I finally fell asleep. I felt my pussy vibrating, falling into one of those sweet, wet dreams. I was riding someone, it didn't really matter who, it was just a sensation. Suddenly, I was looking at this scene from a distance, a girl's butt jumping up and down, so milky and warm. I buried my head between the cheeks, inhaling. A wave of pleasure overcame me, and suddenly this girl became you. I sometimes dream of you, yeah. I don't want to talk about this, because it is not a big deal, but I do like these dreams. Whenever you appear, I repeat the same thing we did that one time in real life, last July. I was licking you, licking a girl for the first time. It is really something special to make a girl happy. As you were cumming, I put my finger inside you. I felt your whole body press on my finger. Contracting and relaxing, this whole universe around just this one happy finger. I didn't even know I felt this, until it repeated in dreams. In them, you become this little doll that I hold in my hand. I feel your every vibration and I wake up missing you.

Hey everyone! Long time no see, these were exciting holidays ;) I hope everyone had a great jolly time, and I wish you all a sexy new year! :D

I found the first photo on the link below. It says the music can lead you into a lucid sex dream, and whoever had them, knows how much fun they are! I will be trying out the mix tonight, and will update you if it works ;)))
2nd photo src: