Stinging the heart- Episode#1

in #story7 years ago


Our weeks are extreme," Eric Landry says. "We wake up at 5:30. I prepare the young men, void the dishwasher, pack every one of the snacks. … While I'm encouraging the young men, Lindsay prepares Cora."

"I give Cora a jug and tidbits," Lindsay says, and the whole team is out the entryway by 7:30.

"We're grinding away by 8. We leave work at 5 and get the children at 5:30," Eric says. He deals with the children while Lindsay makes supper, and "we as a whole eat together."

"Eric puts the young men to bed. I put Cora to bed," Lindsay says. After the kids are sleeping, they sign back on their PCs to do work.

"Our weeks are extreme," with a 1-year old girl and children ages 2½ and 4, Eric says. "We're doing entirely well. We influence it to work. We organize." But the weight doesn't end on Friday night. Clothing, goods and house tasks are done on the ends of the week.

Outside of their obligations as guardians, Lindsay and Eric hold Ph.D.s in building from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and work all day at Pratt and Whitney doing research. They met amid their first seven day stretch of school in 2005 on a vessel ride for graduate understudies. Lindsay Hanna, a local of Andover, Mass., earned her undergrad science certificate at Rice University in Texas and saw Carnegie Mellon as a bit nearer to home. Eric, recently moved on from the University of Connecticut's designing system, took a gander at Carnegie as an experience far from home in Meriden.

Lindsay "emerged" on the pontoon ride, Eric says. Snickering, Lindsay says that is on the grounds that lone 20 percent of the general population in the Ph.D. building program were ladies. In spite of the chances, "We had an extraordinary discussion. I requested her number." Eric called her seven days after they met and welcomed her to go out with new companions. They before long took in their workplaces — where they chipped away at school look into ventures — were a few doors down from each other.

"We're truly geeks on the most fundamental level," Lindsay says. "We extremely like building, [and] needed to accomplish a greater amount of it." After a few months, "we began inclining toward each other," and one night while out hitting the dance floor with companions, "he kissed me." For Eric's birthday toward the finish of October, Lindsay requested that the janitor let her into his office so she could shock him with 23 candles she built into one Hostess cupcake. After two years, they cooked and upheld each other through the qualifying exams to empower them to push ahead in the doctoral program. Luckily, their exams were in various semesters, or "we would have slaughtered each other" from the pressure, Eric says.

To be continued...