in #story7 years ago


Somewhere in the outskirts of a major town lived a boy who had low self esteem and  found it difficult to mingle and make friends, the only person who could pass as a friend was his immediate younger brother David. David’s immediate older brother- Abel had so much low self esteem that he was often looked at as a dunce.

Abel was a classic example of an introvert and like most introverts one needed to get close enough to Abel to see he has a wonderful heart. 

So on a warm afternoon Abel took a walk around the compound where he resides and was surprised to see an old woman he had never seen before. The woman called Abel and told him she's the new neighbor in the house and asked him where the tap was because she needed water. Abel being a kind hearted kid offered to help her fetch water and when Abel returned with the water the old woman gave him twenty Naira in appreciation, Abel who had done the favour out of goodwill reluctantly collected it and went his way.

The next morning Abel woke up expecting a typical boring day like previous days, only difference was that he took a morning walk around the compound and that was when he met the old woman's grandson “Femi” who was helping her move into her new apartment. After Femi had finished helping his grandmother settle into her new apartment he went out to play with the introverted Abel. Femi was able to make friends with Abel because he had a friendly and lively personality which made Abel loosen up. At the end of the day Abel had made a new friend.

This period coincided with the summer holiday which meant kids were at home and that Femi was spending the holiday with his grandmother and would be around for a couple of weeks. Abel enjoyed having Femi around and always looked forward to playing with him everyday. Femi had a basketball and only GOD knows why he does because around the area basketball was not a popular sport and Femi was a short kid who didn't have the physique and skills to play basketball. Since basketball was not the favorite sport in town and Abel never fancied basketball, Abel was quick to to turn Femi’s basketball into a soccer ball. Both kids enjoyed the playing football. 

So as usual Abel, after breakfast ran off to play with Femi one particular morning which was going to the beginning of a new of a new chapter in Abel’s life. Femi’s cousin_ Valerie was around as she also came to spend the holiday with her grandmother. She caught Abel’s attention as his attention came to stand at an attention. She was the most beautiful girl Abel had ever seen and the fact that she wasn't scared of playing soccer with the boys made her even more attractive to Abel. Valerie had a pair of very sexy red lips was the major point of attraction for Abel, she had “brown goldish” hair and she had a red bone complexion and was very brilliant. All of this qualities attracted Abel and at a very young age Abel was already in love but his introverted nature prevented him from making any moves. So he stuck with just being a friendly neighbor. Abel was just a kid and somehow knew if he told anyone he was in love they'll look at him like what does this little boy know about love would probably be scolded kept this to himself. Soon the holiday was coming to an end and the parents of both kids came and took their children back to prepare for the new school session. And soon Abel was back to his old boring days. 

The story is just beginning.

Watch out for concluding parts.


Ok, nice post. We shall be waiting o