Coffee is now the 2nd drink consumed worldwide.

in #story4 years ago

Coffee is now the 2nd drink consumed worldwide.

The population that consumes the highest per capita is Finland. The average consumption of people in the country is 1400 cups per person every year.

Coffee is the second most traded commodity after oil. It was recorded that around 6.7 million tons of coffee were produced in the span of 1998-2000 alone.

The origin of coffee a merchant from Venice brought it into Europe officially in 1615.
He got the coffee beans from people of Turkish nationality.

Since then Europe has started to cultivate it so that the supply can meet market needs.
The Netherlands became one of the first European countries to successfully cultivate it in 1616.

Coffee beans were then brought to Kawa Island and cultivated on a large scale in Indonesia, which is still a colony.

#coffe #story #world


These are interesting statistics. Tea is the first most consumed? We do not count water, don't we? 😃

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