Two-Sided: Chapter VIII (a)

in #story7 years ago

Matt was adorable. He wore his dark hair shaggy. His blue eyes, that always had a determined look to them tonight just looked nervous. He was wearing loose fitting jeans and a button up shirt, like the grown up adult resident doctor he was. Normally, I would find his buttoned up appearance hot and be salivating over what lay under that cool, mature exterior, but he was only adorable to me in a brotherly way tonight. When did that happen? On the other hand, Tyler was looking... Well, hot! He was wearing dark wash jeans that hugged his butt just right with a long sleeve thermal shirt. He had pushed up the sleeves when he took the stage and starting tuning the guitar, his half sleeve of tattoos peaked out and the Latin phrase he had gotten tattooed up his forearm was completely visible. He never did tell me what it said. Stupid doctors and their stupid Latin. He had been wearing his leather motorcycle jacket with it at the table, but had shrugged it off when he left for the stage. I found myself biting my lip as he did so. I took a long gulp of my beer just thinking about it. Since when did I think of Tyler like this and Matt as a brother?

Devin was chatting up Shannon next to me. She was so oblivious to his feelings for her. I should probably do the sisterly thing and help him out, but not until after we win the college cup. I have priorities. Which means I need to stop thinking of Tyler or Matt for a month. I can't explore these weird feelings I'm having right now, I chided myself.
"Look who I found." Duncan said walking up to the table. Casey was walking behind him with a cute girl following her. Hmm… I thought as I noticed the girl was holding Casey's hand. It seemed Casey didn't have that much of a problem with Tyler's brush off last night.

Matt and Tyler started tuning their guitars, testing the borrowed amps, and mic checking. Once satisfied, they started with a fast paced Beatles song to get the crowd happy.
After the fast paced song, Tyler started talking to the crowd. Cracking jokes. A girl brought him up a shot. He winked at her, made a comment and threw it back. Then started into an arctic monkeys song. When he got to the part of “Cages and hoes” he smiled his full smile. The guys laughed and the girls swooned. Yes, you could actually hear all the girls swoon! He definitely knew how to work a crowd.

After a few more songs, their first set was done, and they descended the stage to a lot of cheering. As they walked back over to our table, Tyler actually had Matt laughing and it looked as though Matt had shook off some of the nerves. Good for him.
“So you up to singing in the next set?” Tyler asked him as they leaned into the table. Two beers were promptly set down in front of them by the manager.
“That was great! Do you two have a band? Want a regular gig?” The manager asked before Matt could answer Tyler.
“No.” Matt turned to Tyler and said. “And, no.” Matt turned to the manager and answered. “I’m actually only in town for the weekend. I don’t live around here anymore.”
“Well, what about you?” The manager said to Tyler. “Can you do a solo act? The girls are all going crazy over you anyway.”
I heard Matt say “ouch” into his beer. Tyler was chuckling to himself as he took a drink. “I have been known to do a solo thing, but only when I feel like it.”
“Can you feel like playing out once a month?”
“We’ll see.” Was all Tyler answered in return.
“Well let me know as soon as you want to play again.”
Tyler answered by saluting the manager with his beer.
“Asshat.” Tyler said after the manager left.
“Yeah, really. He’s pretty pushy.” Matt said
“Can you blame him?” I asked. “you literally had the girls swooning.”
“Did you swoon?” Tyler said a little too close to be comfortable. His voice dropped down low in my ear and sent shivers up my spine.
“W-why would I swoon over you?” I answered trying to ignore the flush creeping up my neck. “I personally don’t think you’re swoon worthy.”
“Better than that basketball player you tried to date.”
“He wasn’t that bad.” As a boyfriend. He was bad in bed.
“He was bad in bed. I’m not bad in bed.”
I flushed more.