Thanks to The Greatest President of all Times that problem will solve itself! Without health care all those filthy rascals and their muddy offspring will die in the next winter!! And it even saves money!!!
If you didn't catch it, that was sarcasm.
Thanks to The Greatest President of all Times that problem will solve itself! Without health care all those filthy rascals and their muddy offspring will die in the next winter!! And it even saves money!!!
If you didn't catch it, that was sarcasm.
Homelessness is big business, Sir! One of the biggest problems I notice is that there are so many little organizations that "help" the homeless. However, they cannot do anything more than refer to food and clothes banks, help with GED, hand applications to Low Income Housing and the Federal "food stamp" program... These many small organizations DO NOT network with each other, nor do they offer any real help in and of themselves. Yet they are receiving a mad amount of funds...
And there lies the real problem, fake news is just fluff/bluff and filter. We've allowed the mindscapers to decide for far too long...what is what and where we will be.
It's the no real news that's really tearing society down. The uninformed public is simply the compost which allows the regeneration of these illusions of freedoms.