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RE: "Kanjeng Ratu Kidul": The most respected and beautiful figure in Javanese Mythology / Die am höchsten verehrte Figur in der javanischen Mythologie

in #story4 years ago

Well, the deceased star was very beautiful but had kind of fierce and dignified Aura.
She was indeed the best one to portray the queen. The legendary Suzanna 😁.


By thw way, where ar you stay now ?
I have stayed 2 years ago in Yogyakarta and visited to Parangtritis, Pantai Laut Selatan 😁

I am in Germany. I haven't been in Parangtritis for years already. That's why I can't post my own beach pictures here.

I was expecting you from the island of Java. However, your name is Javanese 😁🙏 thanks you

Well... You asked where I stay NOW, and not where I stayed previously.
That are two different things.
Moreover, if you read the article thoroughly, then you should have known that I am indeed a javanese.
It was mentioned in the article...
I lived in Java before but not anymore. Now I live in Germany.

You are right! I skipped between Now and previously. I'm so sorry 🙏🙆‍♂️
And I have checked your previous posts.
Once again, I'm sorry.
Salam kenal mbak!